
Human health is directly proportional to the presence of fat in the body. To maintain health, a balance is necessary between the consumption and supply of lipids in the body; it cannot be ignored, especially under conditions of constant stress and heavy physical activity. The appearance of excess weight is a serious reason to consult a doctor. Fat protects the body's organs and tissues from damage and protects them from overuse. This is the first reason why you should not neglect your health and try to lose weight. The second is that fats are a source of energy for the cells of our body. Cells require fat to produce energy. The body cannot store energy within itself, as some animals do. This is why we need energy, which we get from food. Some people believe the myth that fat is bad for the body. In truth, this is true for certain substances that are found in fat, but fat itself is not harmful to the human body. Moreover, its positive effects on health are much greater than its negative aspects. Fats increase