Fitness class: figure like Fergie

Probably every girl dreams of having a toned, sexy body like the singer Fergie. A special object of envy is her flat stomach and athletic waist. You can achieve similar results using the ABS class - abdominal exercises, which we present below. It is these strength exercises that help Fergie always stay in shape.

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Exercise 1. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, feet pressed to the floor, spread your arms to the sides, palms down. At the same time, straighten your left leg and reach for it with your right hand, and then do the same for your right leg and left arm, “lifting” only your upper back from the floor. Repeat 20 times in three approaches with a break of half a minute to a minute.

Exercise 2. Feet together, arms bent at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, hands pointing down. Jump to the left, turning only your body 45 degrees. Repeat with a jump to the right. Do three sets of 20 reps on each side, alternating jumps as fast as you can.

Exercise 3. Lie on the floor, bend your elbows and lift yourself up, leaning on your forearms and toes. Without lifting your forearms from the floor, turn your body to the right and left - 20 times on each side in 3 approaches.