Fitness in the workplace. You need this

Fitness in the workplace

The main problem of all people working in offices is physical inactivity. Everyone knows about the long-term prospect of being overweight. And the most immediate consequence of lack of movement is a decrease in performance. Of course, the problem needs to be solved, but not everyone can afford regular workouts in the gym or even walks. It is much easier to start doing exercises right at your workplace. The result may surprise you unexpectedly. The whole complex takes about half an hour, but you can alternately train different muscle groups throughout the day. The starting position for all exercises is sitting.

The mirror of one's heart
To prevent myopia, you can do the following: sit back in your chair, take a deep breath, and then lean forward and exhale. Then sit back in your chair, close your eyes tightly, and then open your eyes. Then put your hands on your waist, turn your head to the right, look at your right elbow, then turn your head to the left and look at your left elbow. Finally, raise your eyes to the ceiling and, without turning your head, look around clockwise and counterclockwise, while blinking intensely, raising and lowering your eyebrows. This exercise takes about 4 minutes to complete once. You can repeat the entire complex 5-6 times.

Your own Pygmalion
If you always want to have a clear oval face, toned neck and chin muscles and listen to compliments addressed to you, then here is the recipe for you. Sitting on a chair, straighten your back and place your feet on the floor. Smoothly move your head back as far as possible until you feel tension in your chin. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then lower your head, trying to press your chin to your chest. Repeat this exercise at least 20 times. Then perform 15 head tilts to the right and left, feeling how the neck muscles stretch.

Belt: shoulder and more
Then place your elbows on the table, joining your hands “prayerfully”, with your fingers spread out as far as possible. There should be a shell-like space between both brushes. Connect your palms as if you want to squeeze something between them, and separate them again - and so on 20 times, feeling the tension in the chest muscles. The exercise is also great because you can practice it even at a meeting, sitting opposite your boss - and everyone will be sure that you are thinking hard about production problems.

Now that the meeting is over, sit up straight without leaning against the back of your chair. Lift both feet off the floor and pull your stomach in as much as possible. Hold the tense position for 15 seconds, relax, repeat the exercise 10-15 times. By summer, you're guaranteed to be sporting a flat stomach.

Move your feet
Sit up straight in your chair. Feet on the floor, parallel to each other, shoulder width apart. Place your palms on the inside of your knees and press your palms onto your knees, as if your legs are the doors of a stuck elevator that need to be pulled apart. With your legs, you resist the pressure of your palms with all your might, thus straining all the muscles and automatically removing the “breeches” on your hips. The exercise requires a minimum of 15 repetitions; 10 seconds tension, 5 - relaxation.

Then place your feet on the floor side by side and begin to lift your legs one at a time, trying to point your toes towards you and lift your straight leg above the chair. If you have the strength, try lifting and straightening both legs at the same time. As usual, aim to hold the position for 10 seconds, 5 seconds rest, and at least 15 repetitions for each leg. To complete the office foot routine, take off your shoes, place your heels on the floor and pull your toes towards you, leaving your heels glued to the floor. Perform this exercise daily and you will not face varicose veins.

Half an hour before the end of the working day
For dessert - the most piquant exercises. It's no secret that the intensity of sexual release partly depends on