Fitness training for the fair half of humanity

In the slow back-and-forth movement of our society towards living according to the standards of world civilization, more and more people are beginning to take care of their health and appearance. Having caught the emerging trends, we conducted a small sociological study, analyzing the composition of the trainees. It turned out that at least 60% of visitors to modern fitness centers are women. And, what is most surprising, the vast majority of them attend not aerobics classes, but a gym.

At first, this state of affairs caused considerable surprise, but after carefully analyzing the current situation, we came to the conclusion that this state of affairs was natural. Firstly, women have a genetically inherent desire for beauty and perfection. The increased social and economic role of women in modern society allows them to earn money without regard for the male half of the population, and, which is typical, to spend their own money, including on themselves.

Perhaps the current realities do not suit some of the male population, but facts are facts, they are like children - you cannot shut your mouth, and there is no point in arguing here. And finally, this circle closes with the fact that the better a woman looks, the higher her self-esteem and confidence in herself and her strengths, the higher the interest of others and the greater the chances for a successful career in any field.

Observing how women train in most domestic gyms, as well as what technical and methodological techniques are used by personal trainers in gyms who train the fair sex, we came to very disappointing conclusions. In almost none of the gyms, the coaching staff does not even have basic knowledge of the peculiarities of female physiology; the training methods and training programs differ from men’s, mainly only in the size of the weights. Accordingly, the effectiveness of such training is minimal.

Even though men and women belong to the same biological