Ideal weight for a girl

With the help of physical, strength exercises and a balanced, properly selected diet, you can maintain body weight at an ideal level, achieve weight loss in case of obesity, or gain the missing one. Special weight correction program body will help you do this correctly and painlessly. In addition, you will acquire a harmonious, fit, athletic posture and an excellent mood.

  1. How to calculate a girl's ideal weight?
  2. How to achieve your goal?
  3. Weight correction program
  4. Contents of the article:

How to calculate a girl's ideal weight?

What is your ideal weight? Usually, as an answer to this question, women want to hear some specific arithmetic indicator that can be somehow calculated. In fact, it is difficult to definitely say that it will be some kind of specific figure. After all, it all depends on the type of figure. The main thing is that it should be fit, harmonious and proportionally folded.

How to achieve your goal?

  1. If you intend to get rid of 5 kilograms, you can achieve this simply through training and with the help of simple dietary restrictions.
  2. If you want to lose from 10 to 15 kilograms, you will have to be more strict about your diet, and in addition to regular exercises, also do aerobic training.
  3. If you are determined to lose from 15 to 30 kilograms, start with cardio training (we'll talk about this in more detail later), and divide all the recommendations by two: if we recommend starting with ten exercises, do five and gradually work up to ten, adding one repetition at each subsequent workout. Give yourself more time: you should devote at least a month cardio training (there should be 10-12 of them), because without this preparatory stage, immediately starting hard gymnastics and aerobics, you can harm your joints and heart. The main thing is continuity!

What is the optimal rate of natural weight loss? Radical physiologists believe that this is all one kilogram per month. Argument: at such a slow pace, the body has time to get used to it, and such a loss occurs without much stress.

Of course, everyone wants to achieve their goal quickly. Moreover, at the very beginning of training and subject to some excess body weight, you can lose more. But... We must not forget that the skin must adapt to new volumes, otherwise unwanted cosmetic defects may occur. The body needs to be given time to get used to it, introduce it to a certain rhythm, only in this case can we hope for a long-lasting effect. And, of course, we must not forget about the process of replacing fat mass with muscle mass, which was mentioned above.

What happens? As folk wisdom says: the quieter you go, the further you'll get! Focus on losing two, maximum three kilograms per month. And if you are over 40 years old, then even less, because your metabolism has already slowed down a little.

Remember that your main task is to develop healthy lifestyle skills and try to stick to them constantly.

Weight correction program

The work ahead can be easily divided into 3 (three) stages:

  1. 1st stage - adaptation. This stage is the most difficult - you need to tame your body to systematic physical activity, and also learn not to interrupt training, to really get involved in fitness classes. This stage takes from two to four weeks and this period directly depends on your willpower.
  2. 2nd stage - achieving results. If you have a normal physique (no more than 5 kilograms of excess weight), you will achieve an improvement in your figure in 2-3 months. If you have excessive, excessive body weight, prepare yourself for six months of painstaking work, and at least every other day.
  3. 3rd stage - maintaining the achieved result. For this purpose you will need no more than 30 - 40 minutes every two days.

Contents of the article:

Ideal weight for a girl

How to calculate ideal weight?

Weight correction program for girls

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