Intimate hygiene as the basis of reproductive health

Intimate hygiene is an important component of a woman’s health. However, in our country this topic, as a rule, remains taboo, and many women have unreliable or poor information about how to properly care for themselves. Meanwhile, if a woman wants to be healthy, get pregnant and bear a healthy child, she must follow certain rules.

A woman’s body makes a lot of efforts to ensure that viruses and bacteria that are common in other parts of the body and on the skin do not enter the uterine cavity. One of these most important barriers is the specialized flora of the intimate zone, which creates a unique microclimate that is destructive for pathogenic microorganisms. More than 90% of this flora are lactobacilli (lactic acid bacteria). If the number of lactobacilli drops for some reason, illness or discomfort is guaranteed.

Diseases begin with an imbalance in the vaginal flora. And, if the balance is corrected in time, the disease can be avoided. How to do it?

Firstly, you should carefully observe general body hygiene: wash yourself at least twice a day, be sure to wash your hands before and after visiting a public toilet, avoid touching your genitals unless necessary, and avoid unprotected sexual contact.

Secondly, you should not use regular soap for washing. Soap disrupts the acidic environment of intimate areas and dries out the mucous membrane.

Thirdly, it is advisable to use the right care products that will preserve the natural acid-base balance of the mucous membrane and have a fairly affordable price so that their use does not become a burdensome waste of the family budget.

One such remedy is Lactacid. This product does not contain soap, but does contain lactic acid. The latter is an important component of the natural environment of intimate areas, and is optimal for the development of lactobacilli. Lactic acid will help protect the body and maintain balance if at some point the body cannot cope with negative environmental factors. In addition, there are different types of Lactacid: for gentle care, with an antibacterial effect, with a high content of lactic acid - that is, you can choose a product to suit your needs.

In addition, to maintain intimate health, it is advisable to avoid tight and synthetic underwear, wear only natural fabrics, regularly change pads and tampons during menstruation, and also avoid using intimate deodorants, which can disrupt the natural balance of flora.

It is also important to contact a gynecologist for regular examinations and consultations, even if there are no obvious symptoms of the disease. Early detection and treatment of intimate area problems can prevent serious complications in the future.

In general, proper intimate hygiene and self-care are necessary conditions for maintaining a woman’s reproductive health. By following simple rules, you can maintain the balance of vaginal flora, prevent the development of diseases and ensure good health.