The history of kettlebell lifting and the nuances of training veterans of those times.

After the inclusion of kettlebell lifting as a separate discipline in Unified All-Russian sports classification and the holding of three serious championships (1985, 1986 and 1987), the popularity of this sport has increased. Thus, at the 1986 Russian Championship, teams from 50 territories and regions of the republic were represented. At that time, no sport could boast such a wide geography. However, at that time kettlebell biathlon did not have a clear fundamental theoretical basis, and a scientifically based methodology for the training process had not yet been developed.

The history of kettlebell lifting, with its numerous examples, eloquently proves to us that most of the famous athletes of those ancient years trained to lift kettlebells according to individual plans, and nevertheless still achieved simply outstanding, inimitable results...

In connection with these facts, in our opinion, the creative searches of the first Slavic domestic champions, which allowed them to achieve such high results, should be more widely promoted. Each weightlifter must rely on his own instincts and subjective sensations...

Of course, the training programs of the pioneering kettlebell lifters vary greatly, contradict and diverge from each other in their approaches and techniques. For example, by comparing the lifting of sports weights and the nuances of training two outstanding legends of weightlifting champions S. Rexton And S. Mishina, you can find significant differences in their content. So, if the world-famous weightlifter S. Rexton in his training programs systematically increased the intensity in competitive exercises, then with S. Mishin the number of lifts remained at a certain level: 25-30% of the maximum possible maximum in the clean and jerk and, accordingly, 30-35% in a snatch.

At the same time, athletes’ training plans contain the same indicators:

  1. Both athletes worked on improving their clean and jerk technique in almost every workout.
  2. The number of exercises included in the training arsenal is not so large for both: 10-12.
  3. Both athletes highlight their “favorite” exercises and focus on developing and improving flexibility.

weightlifters photo: Sergey Mishin

weightlifters photo: Fedor Usenko

weightlifters photo: Yu Rozumenko

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