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The dumbbell overhead press is one of the best exercises for developing the middle and anterior deltoid muscles.

Once again! Feet shoulder-width apart, feet slightly turned outward. In each hand - a dumbbell, weight - at shoulder level, elbows down. The grip is straight - palms are turned away from you, hands slightly wider than shoulders.
Inhale, hold your breath, press the dumbbells straight up. Raise your arms until your arms are fully straightened, arms straightened, exhale. Keep your torso vertical while moving, looking straight up, above you. At the end point, the arms and torso are fully straightened, the lower back is slightly arched.
Return the weight to its original position and repeat the exercise the required number of times.

An abductor movement occurs in the shoulder joint, the upper part of the arm rises upward through the sides. At the shoulder joint, the shoulder blades rotate upward with maximum amplitude. When viewed from behind, the lower ends of the shoulder blades rotate outward and the upper ends inward. At the same time, the shoulder blades also rise, moving straight forward and turning upward. The arm straightens at the elbow joint, and the forearm and shoulder move apart.

The exercise involves the muscles of the shoulder, shoulder girdle and elbow joint.
Deltoid muscle - starts from the outer third of the clavicle and the spine of the scapula, and is attached to the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus.
Supraspinatus muscle - lies under the deltoid muscle in the supraspinatus fossa of the scapula, attached to the greater tubercle of the humerus and the capsule of the shoulder joint.
The muscles of the shoulder girdle include the trapezius muscle and the serratus muscle (serratus anterior). The trapezoid begins at the base of the skull, from the external occipital protuberance and the 7th cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae. Attached to the outer end of the clavicle and the upper edge of the clavicle.
The serratus muscle starts from the first five thoracic vertebrae and is attached to the medial edge of the scapula.
Of the muscles of the elbow joint, only the triceps, a large muscle that completely covers the upper part of the arm, is involved in the exercise. The triceps is divided into three heads - lateral, middle and long, but that's another story...

The overhead press is a very important exercise for developing the shoulders, especially the middle deltoids. The anterior and, partly, posterior deltoid bundles also participate in the movement. As the elbows move from below shoulder level to above the head, the deltoid is fully engaged. This is the only exercise that fully engages the deltoid from the beginning to the end of the movement.
Using excessively heavy weight is not recommended as this will interfere with the correct and effective execution of the exercise. Overload only leads to loss of balance and the performer either bends or bends in the back to lift the weight higher. If you give your back support, the pectoralis major muscle is involved in the work, this unloads the deltoid and the work is done in vain. In addition, when your back arches from excessive weight, the load on the intervertebral discs greatly increases, which can lead to back injury. Thus, you need to constantly monitor your back position.
Both dumbbells and a barbell are used as weights. Using dumbbells gives this exercise more flexibility. For example, you can do presses alternately, concentrating more on each deltoid. By straightening one arm up, you slightly tilt your torso to the side, and in the last phase the upper part of the trapezius is included in the movement. When both arms work simultaneously (with a barbell or two dumbbells), due to the movement of the scapula, the trap is included in the work much more strongly.
To more fully work out the shoulder, you should change the position of your elbows from repetition to repetition.