How to massage a 3 month old baby

A massage for a 3 month old baby is necessary for every healthy baby. It is strongly recommended by pediatricians. With its help, the baby adapts to the world around him much faster. Children's massage is divided into two types:

  1. restorative;
  2. medicinal.

A restorative massage can be performed at home.It includes a variety of stroking techniques. As the child gets older, the techniques may become more complex. Effect of restorative massage:

  1. prevention of musculoskeletal diseases;
  2. favorable development of the nervous system;
  3. development of speech centers;
  4. normalization of digestion;
  5. improved sleep.

As you know, at an early age a child’s brain actively develops. The development of fine motor skills is closely related to the development of the cerebral cortex. Therefore, a general course of massage helps the child develop not only physically, but also mentally.

Therapeutic massage is performed only by a professional. As a rule, it is prescribed by a neurologist or orthopedic doctor at the age of 1-2 months. It is prescribed for the following indications:

  1. flat feet;
  2. hernia;
  3. scoliosis;
  4. clubfoot;
  5. torticollis;
  6. rickets;
  7. delayed physical or motor development.

The main purpose of massage for a 3-month-old baby is to stabilize muscle tone.

The goal is also to develop skills in changing body position, developing fine motor skills, and developing the grasping reflex.

massage for 3 month old baby

During the massage, the baby should feel good

Massage technique for a 3 month old baby

In addition to massage for newborns, warm baths, swimming, and passive exercises with various vibrations can promote physical and mental development. So, let's get started with the classes.

Hand massage

We start with a hand massage. You need to perform 5-6 strokes. Then we move on to ring rubbing: place your thumb in the child’s hand. Then, with the index finger and thumb of your other hand, clasp the child's hand in the form of a ring. Perform vigorous rubbing from the wrist upward. Perform 3-4 times for each hand. After circular rubbing, perform 2-3 slow strokes.

Ring rubbing

Ring rubbing

Crossing arms

The child should lie on his back with his feet facing you. Place your thumbs in the baby's palms and hold the palm with the rest. First, spread your arms to the sides, then bring them together, crossing them over your chest. With each new crossing, change the order of hands. Repeat the procedure 6-8 times.

crossing arms over chest

Crossing arms over chest

Foot massage

We begin to stroke the baby’s legs from foot to thigh, 2-3 strokes. Then we perform a ring rubbing of the leg: to do this, we clasp the leg at the ankle joint with the index finger and thumb. It is important to avoid the popliteal dimple and Achilles tendon when rubbing. Perform 5-6 rubs on each leg. Then perform slow stroking 2-3 times.

ring rubbing of feet

Ring foot rub

"Sliding Steps"

The child lies in the starting position on his back with his feet facing you. Grasp the child's shin with your hand, straighten the leg, then bend it and move the foot along the table. You need to perform this exercise 5-6 times for each leg. In terms of technology, it resembles a “bicycle”. All movements should be smooth, without jerking.

Sliding steps

Sliding steps

Buttocks and back massage

At the age of 3 months, the baby is already lying well on his tummy. Therefore, massage can be performed with both hands. The massage includes the entire back and buttocks area.

First, rubbing is performed with the pads of bent fingers. Rubbing is straight. The hands alternately shift the skin, moving across the entire back and vice versa. Number of repetitions 2-3 times.

rubbing with fingertips

Rubbing with fingertips

After straight-line rubbing, circular and spiral rubbing is performed. Movements are directed clockwise. As a rule, rubbing is carried out with the back of bent fingers. Hand movements should be alternating so as not to stretch the baby's skin. You need to finish the reception with light stroking.

rubbing with the back of the fingers

Rubbing with the back of your fingers

Reflex extension of the spine

The baby should be placed on its side. Then we perform several soft energetic movements with the pads of straight fingers along the spine. You need to repeat the technique 2-3 times on each side.

Reflex extension of the spine

Reflex extension of the spine

Swimmer position

The baby should be placed on his stomach. With our right hand we clasp the legs in the lower third of the lower leg. Then we lift the baby by both legs, at the same time placing the left hand under the stomach for support. Then we lift the child above the table.

float position

Swimmer position

Abdominal massage

You need to start your abdominal massage with circular stroking and stroking the oblique abdominal muscles. Each technique is repeated 2-3 times. Rubbing should be done with the pads of bent fingers. First, circular rubbing is performed, then rubbing the longitudinal abdominal muscles.

circular rubbing of the abdomen

Circular abdominal rubbing

Foot massage

Foot massage begins with stroking and rubbing. Rubbing can be done with the pad of your thumb in the form of a figure eight or a circle. Then rub the inside of your foot from your heel to your toes. Next, you need to perform soft tapping of the foot: to do this, use your straight index and middle fingers to apply rhythmic light blows over the entire surface of the foot.

baby foot massage

Foot massage for a child

Exercises on the ball

We take the ball, carefully place the baby with his stomach on the ball, and perform movements back and forth. Make sure that during movements the baby can rest his feet on the table, this will encourage him to push off on his own.

ball exercises

Exercises on the ball

Then turn the baby over on his back, place him on the ball and rock him in different directions, holding the baby by the chest.

rocking on your back

Rocking on your back

Be sure to accompany the massage with pleasant music, kind words, and jokes. Kind words and a mother's smile will make the massage session more effective and useful, and the baby will love this activity.