How to give back massage to children

At birth, a child's body is vulnerable to the development of various diseases. Massage will help strengthen the newborn’s immune system, improve blood circulation and baby’s muscles. In addition, gentle affectionate touches will give you a great mood and peace of mind. The child will feel protected.

The back is most susceptible to overload and tension. Back massage for children will help strengthen the baby's spinal column, relieving tension from the back.

During the first months of life, the baby gradually masters the stages of movements that prepare him for an upright position. Over time, the muscles of the back and spine begin to strengthen. By placing the baby on his tummy, you thereby help strengthen these very muscles, since when you raise your head, the muscles of your back, arms and legs are simultaneously tensed. It is worth noting that leaving the child in this position for a long time is prohibited, as this can lead to excessive muscle tension..

Treat the development of certain abilities of the child with special patience and respect, since each baby is individual and so are their developmental characteristics. Parents should give their child the specific amount of time it takes to reach certain age milestones.

Back massage for a child: technique

Gentle and affectionate touches in the back area will relieve muscle tension, strengthening the back muscles in a natural way. The child will feel and understand that he is surrounded by care, attention and affection from his parents.

Back mass for children can be performed in different poses. You need to choose exactly the one in which the baby will feel comfortable and comfortable. Let's find out right now how to massage a child's back.

You need to start the massage procedure with light strokes. First, perform simultaneous stroking, including the buttock area. Then perform alternate stroking, moving your hands in opposite directions.

back rub

Light back stroking

We continue stroking. We hold the legs with one hand, and with the other we stroke along the spine, starting to move from the neck to the heels.

stroking the back of the body

Stroking along the spine

Let's move on to rubbing. We place our palms on both sides of the spine. We begin to perform circular rubbing of the back, moving from top to bottom and back.

circular back rub

Circular back rub

Rub your buttocks. Using the back of your thumbs, we gradually move from top to bottom and back. Movements should be soft, light and rhythmic. Avoid pressing on the spinal column.

rubbing the buttocks

Rubbing the buttocks

Finish the baby's back massage session by gently stroking the legs and feet.

Stroking the baby's legs and feet

Daily set of massage exercises

We invite you to familiarize yourself with another, lighter set of massage exercises for the baby’s back. This massage for newborns will help strengthen the muscles of the back and spine. According to experts, at home you should perform the so-called “stroking” massage, which does not require special skills and knowledge.

The massage should be carried out in a warm, well-ventilated area. The child's mood should be good. If the baby cries or is restless, the massage session should be rescheduled for another time. The duration of one session is 5-10 minutes. Your hands should be warm, dry and clean.

We start the massage with stroking. With one hand we hold the child by the legs, with the other we stroke from the buttocks to the shoulders. Accompany the massage with gentle words and songs.

Back rub

Back rub

Then we move on to kneading the back muscles. Kneading should be done on the long back muscles, along the spinal column. The technique is performed as follows: place three fingers (thumb, index and middle) on the lower back and perform a pincer-like movement, moving from bottom to top.

Forceps kneading of the long back muscles

The session should be completed by vibrating light tapping with both hands. Remember that the area of ​​the spinal column cannot be touched.



Also, the final massage movement is stroking, performed at the beginning of the session.

After the procedure, the baby should have a good rest.