Yoga is not only about standing on your head and tying your body in a sea knot, it is also a very effective remedy for depression and fatigue. No excuses, turn off your phone, grab a mat and head to nirvana!
Exhausting work, household chores, lack of sleep and fresh air can make any woman hysterical. Yoga will help restore your nerves and put your head in order. Just a few simple practices, 15 minutes a day, and a smile will become your constant companion!
Practice No1: Baddha Konasana
Sit on the mat with your back straight, feet together, knees apart. Inhale and lower your hips to the floor, stretch the top of your head up, open your chest. Inhale and exhale, gently bend your body forward. Breathing should be as deep as possible, feel how the lungs slowly fill with air as you inhale, and how the whole body relaxes as you exhale, do not strain or hold your breath.
Practice No2: Balasana
Sit your hips on your heels and lower your head to the floor, breathe deeply through your stomach through your nose, try to completely relax your body. Do 2-4 breathing cycles, raise your body, release your breath and repeat the asana again.
Practice No3: Pavana Muktasana
Lie on your back, rest your tailbone, shoulders and neck on the floor. Pull your knees to your chest, breathe slowly through clenched teeth with the sound “Pha”, feel how your lower back and leg muscles stretch. Do 8 breathing cycles.
Practice #4: Shavasana
Lie on your back, spread your arms and legs at a 45-degree angle to your body. Close your eyes and breathe deeply through your nose, imagine how every muscle in your body relaxes, try to drive away disturbing thoughts as much as possible and not think about anything. Lie like this for 5-7 minutes, but do not fall asleep.
For your relaxation session to be successful, you need to practice in a well-ventilated room or in the fresh air on an empty stomach, or a couple of hours after eating.
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