How to eat properly after poisoning and vomiting?

Nutrition after food poisoning should be balanced, carefully dosed and always light. In the first days after recovery, the body malfunctions. The gastrointestinal tract has difficulty breaking down and assimilating food, the liver does not completely neutralize toxins, and the kidneys cannot cope with eliminating fluid. Therefore, eating “heavy”, fatty foods can provoke new attacks of flatulence and diarrhea.

When compiling a diet, the type of food poisoning is taken into account. After suffering from salmonellosis, brucellosis, or hemorrhagic fever, at least a short fast is often required. In case of poisoning with vomiting, foods are introduced into the daily menu gradually, with careful monitoring of all reactions of the gastrointestinal tract to their consumption.

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Basic Rules

It is not recommended to eat after nausea and vomiting for at least 24 hours. The body can easily tolerate a short-term lack of nutrients and bioactive substances. In the first days, he is “busy” with the restoration of damaged mucous membranes, the removal of drug metabolites, dead bacteria and toxic products of their vital activity.

On the second day after poisoning, fasting is contraindicated. There is no longer any urge to vomit, the stool acquires a normal consistency, the person begins to get out of bed, but weakness is felt. To replenish strength after the introduction of Brucella and other infectious pathogens into the body, you need to eat foods that contain a lot of complex carbohydrates and proteins. They are exactly what adults and children need for accelerated recovery.

Foods allowed on the second day after food intoxication with vomiting
White bread crackersPollock soup on water without vegetables and seasoningsSteamed meatballs from fish, chicken breast, rabbit
Biscuits, dry biscuitsVeal, rabbit or quail brothCottage cheese casserole without raisins and sour cream
Oatmeal porridgeZucchini soupRice or buckwheat porridge

Food portions after food intoxication with vomiting should be small (100-200 g). Before going to bed, you can have a snack with crackers, washing them down with lightly brewed green or black tea.

Small portions of food contain very few bioactive substances. Therefore, on the second day after poisoning, nutritionists recommend that patients supplement their diet with vitamin and mineral complexes (Supradin, Complivit).

The menu after acute intoxication with vomiting consists exclusively of dietary dishes. It is better to steam or bake food with a small amount of butter or vegetable oil. The treatment menu after food intoxication is not strict, but quite varied. The diet consists of delicious dishes, even though they lack spices and a lot of salt.

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerDinner
MondayOatmeal with a piece of butter, green tea with honeySteamed beef cutlets, buckwheat soup, cottage cheese, milk jellyOmelette, steamed lean fish with carrots, cauliflower
TuesdayCottage cheese with sour cream and jam, boiled egg, weak black teaBarley soup with vegetables, buckwheat porridge with boiled meat, sea buckthorn compoteRabbit meatballs, vermicelli, tea with milk or kefir
WednesdayA savory bun, yogurt, cocoa, a small sandwich with cheese, fermented baked milkSemolina soup with vegetables, boiled veal, mashed potatoes,


Steamed fish cutlets, carrot puree, crackers, Varenets
ThursdayBoiled egg, oatmeal with water, rosehip decoction, natural yogurtVegetable soup with small noodles, boiled turkey meat, rice, dried fruit compoteLow-fat cottage cheese with jam or honey, barley porridge, manna
FridayMilk soufflé with fruit, cottage cheese casserole with raisins, tomato juiceBaked hake, mashed potatoes, water pickle, teaSteam cutlets with spaghetti, meatballs, milk jelly, biscuits
SaturdaySandwich with butter and cheese, oatmeal, weak coffee with milk, dry biscuitsVegetable soup, boiled potatoes, beef stroganoff, pear compoteFish meatballs, carrot or mashed potatoes, cottage cheese casserole with raisins, chamomile tea
SundayBaked apples with cottage cheese and honey, toast, apple compoteRice soup with vegetables and butter,

chicken cutlets,

boiled rice,


Buckwheat porridge with egg white omelette, milk tea, poppy seed bagel

Drinking regime

After poisoning, alcohol is prohibited, including beer and dry red wine. In the first days, you need to give up coffee, which irritates the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Healthy to drink:

  1. lightly salted - Slavyanovskaya, Narzan, Essentuki No. 2 and No. 4;
  2. decoction of rose hips, chamomile tea;
  3. vegetable juice, fruit juice, homemade compote from berries and fruits;
  4. weakly brewed green tea.

Drinking plenty of fluids and eating right helps cleanse the body of toxic substances. This has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to supplement the diet with 2.5 liters of liquid per day to eliminate all the consequences of food intoxication.