How to create a bodybuilding training plan? How to structure a workout?

Any training must begin with a warm-up. Its main goal is to prepare the muscles, ligaments, joints, cardiovascular system and respiratory systems for the upcoming higher loads. There are the following warm-up options: general and special. General prepares our body as a whole and is often carried out at the beginning of a workout. A special warm-up precedes the current exercise, and is usually itself, but performed with light weights (35-65 percent) in 12-15 repetitions. Its main purpose is to bring the target muscles to their maximum working “conditions”. You will meet with a special warm-up in our complexes.

Let's talk about the general warm-up and the plan for building it. Without it, you cannot start strength exercises - you can quickly get injured and stop all activities for a long time. And if you damage the unheated spine...

The duration of the warm-up may vary. It depends on the air temperature, your clothing, and the degree of training. On average, the warm-up lasts about 15 minutes. In our opinion, you need to start with small muscles, then move on to larger ones: hands, forearms, neck, arms, shoulders, torso, legs. The joints must be warmed up and the ligaments stretched. The spine is especially important. There is a lot of room for creativity here. It is important that you know exactly the purpose of the warm-up exercise and do it until you feel that this area of ​​the body is warmed up, but not to the point of fatigue. Light perspiration, a noticeable increase in breathing rate, a surge of energy and fullness of the body - these are signs of a good warm-up. Here are some examples of warm-up exercises.

  1. Neck: smooth rotations, turns left and right and back and forth.
  2. Forearms and hands: flexion and extension of the fingers (you can squeeze a tennis ball or wrist expander), rotation of the hands, “breaking” the hand of one hand with the other up, down, to the sides, as well as twisting.
  3. Arms: strong-willed, with tension, elbow bends (for biceps), push-ups.
  4. Shoulders: rotation of straight arms forward - up - back, etc., as well as to the right - up - left, etc.
  5. Torso: bending forward, backward, to the sides, rotating the body, bending with body rotation, etc.
  6. Legs: running, jumping, including jumping rope, squats.

The number of repetitions of exercises in warm-up is on average 15-20 times. How to breathe? Usually, before making an effort, you inhale, and the effort itself is made while exhaling. This applies primarily to exercises with weights. During the warm-up, breathing is voluntary, but you need to breathe through your nose, not through your mouth!

How to structure a workout?

Training should begin no earlier than an hour and a half after eating. Quite experienced athletes have a special regime and nutrition plan, which is described in the corresponding section. You should finish your classes no later than two to a little over two hours before bedtime. After training, you can take a warm shower, sit in a chair and thoroughly relax your whole body.

When starting to work on a new complex (and it does not matter whether this is the first complex in your life or you have been training for some time), for the first couple of weeks, choose one exercise for each muscle and do one approach at a time. Then slowly add the remaining exercises (just not all at once!) and approaches accordingly. After a month (or a little more), you can implement all the exercises in the recommended number of approaches. But the number of repetitions in each approach should immediately be the same as indicated in the description of the complex.

Now let's talk about the technique of doing the exercises. Qualitatively, that is, technically correctly executed movement from beginning to end is something without which all other methodological advice is meaningless. Firstly, all movements must be performed with full amplitude. For example, if you are pressing a dumbbell, it should move from a position near your shoulder to the maximum straightening of your arms. And, in the version with raising your legs while hanging on the bar, they need to be moved to a level above which We will not be able to lift them. And so in all exercises. True, sometimes you can find exercises in which the amplitude is specifically limited. Such cases are always discussed. Secondly, the exercise should work exactly the muscle group for which it is designed. Imagine that you are doing pull-ups on the bar: 7,8,9 times, but I would like to do one more time for good measure, but something doesn’t work. You begin to raise your knees to your stomach, make convulsive movements and somehow supposedly almost pull yourself up. No need. In the last of the approaches, when it is clear that you can’t do any more, pull yourself up clean and hang for a few seconds with maximum tension on your biceps. It will be more useful this way. In short, you should not allow some muscles to work “for free” at the expense of others.

Further, the correct technique also means the correct tempo of the movements. It, as already mentioned, can change both in the direction of decrease and increase. But this applies more to athletes with a certain amount of experience. Beginners should move the apparatus at a moderate speed, focusing on the correct execution of the exercise. At the first stage, it is very important to “perfectly” master the technique, and the weight of the projectiles, imagine, is not very important. Strength and endurance will grow in any case - both with a fairly familiar load and with a small one, and almost equally. But this will only be the case at the initial stage.

Finally, a few words of caution. Weight training puts a lot of stress on the spine. This is especially dangerous in childhood. Therefore, some exercises that compress and bend the spinal column should be excluded from complexes for children: standing barbell press, standing dumbbell press with one hand, bent-over pull-ups of the barbell to the stomach, squats with the barbell on the shoulders.

This is exactly how the complexes on our website are built: from the very beginning, more attention is paid to the development of flexibility of the spine and the long back muscle. And when she gets stronger, then it will be possible to take on the mentioned important exercises in the bodybuilding arsenal.

How to create a training plan for children and teenagers?

Children should do more exercises with their own weight: push-ups, pull-ups, leg and torso lifts, jumping out of low squats, squats on one leg, etc. They are useful in all respects: they develop muscle strength and volume, strengthen ligaments, stretch the spine. They can be diversified using: different grips and hand positions, leg width, etc. Create! This phrase has haunted us since our school days. But the regime is a daily rhythm, including the functioning of the organs and systems of our body. They work much better when our daily routine is consistent with their rhythms. First of all, this concerns sleep. Most people don't know how to sleep. Firstly, the duration of sleep is often much less than the required eight (and for children nine) hours. It is probably clear to everyone that a short nap is a bad sleep, since during it the body does not have time to rest.

Further, even if you slept ten hours one night and six hours the next, the average sleep duration of 8 hours does not mean that you slept well. You can’t get enough sleep “in reserve.” But how you go to sleep is also important. Watching horror films or detective stories with lots of blood at night is unwise and harmful. Much more useful is calm music, pleasant, light reading, meditation, if you know how to do it. The most important thing here is to calm your thoughts, nerves and body in order to enter sleep in the proper state.

It's morning. Sometimes you wake up sluggish and lazy. Then you need to cheer yourself up: light gymnastics, breathing exercises, preferably to rhythmic music. After breakfast, it's a good idea to drink a cup of strong coffee or tea.

What was said about relaxation (body - emotions - thoughts) is very useful to use after training. This meditation can be done lying down or sitting in a soft, comfortable chair. We repeat: physical relaxation, emotional peace, mental silence. Against such a background, it is convenient to briefly but convincingly pronounce any verbal formulas expressing confidence in success and the realization of cherished goals. But they, of course, must be realistic and achievable.

The favorite entertainment of young people is discos. It is your right to visit them. However, if you seriously engage in bodybuilding, then this entertainment takes away a lot of your energy, which is so needed during training. If you really want to, then go see them. But not too often (say, once a month), and return no later than 10 pm.

A separate topic is “telly”. It must be said frankly that long vigils, especially after midnight, in front of the “box” exhaust even healthy men, not to mention children. The psyche is shaken, the eyes deteriorate. And how many worthwhile things are shown on TV?

As you have already correctly understood from all of the above, in addition to planning the training itself, it is also necessary to build a plan for proper rest, nutrition and recovery... Perhaps someone will not like the rejection of “simple human joys”, reminiscent of the life of religious ascetics. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), a serious goal requires great sacrifices, but they will all pay off if the goal is achieved. Iron sport is iron discipline in everything. Otherwise, it is no longer bodybuilding, but something else, even if you lift a heavy barbell. To build a beautiful body, you need to sacrifice something. Bodybuilding is very serious!

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