

A diet is a system of limiting or excluding certain food groups from the diet (not always related only to caloric intake). Types of diets may vary both in calorie content and in the foods that are recommended to be excluded from the diet.

The definition of diet was first proposed in 1860 by William Burr, who suggested strictly limiting the intake of fat and sugar. Subsequently, many other diets were developed, as well as methods aimed at reducing the consumption of fatty foods. Nowadays, almost all dietary recommendations in the section on balanced nutrition include a requirement to limit the consumption of saturated fats. Many low-calorie diets, such as those low in mononutrients (sugar or fat), have been shown to be ineffective as weight loss aids.

Currently, there are more than 30 basic diets used as mono-diets or short-term dietary regimens for a limited period of time. Among them: * protein diets * carbohydrate diets (“Kremlin diets”) * food pyramids * nutritional systems based on blood group, constitution or physiological types (according to Shelton, Vita, Garis, etc.)
