Eat fruit, dear ladies, or 7 rules of a fruit diet

Fruits are a real gift from nature that can be used to maintain health and beauty. Research shows that fruits can help fight excess weight if you add them to your diet and follow a few simple fruit diet rules.

Rule 1: Replace high-calorie desserts with fruit ones. Fruit desserts are a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth without wasting calories. For example, you can make a fruit salad from chopped apples, pears, strawberries and other favorite fruits, adding a little natural yogurt or honey.

Rule 2: Include fruits in your diet throughout the day. Don't wait until lunch or dinner to start eating fruit. Keep an apple or banana on hand to snack on when you feel hungry. This way, you can control your appetite and avoid overeating at lunch or dinner.

Rule 3: Replace ice cream with frozen fruit. If you love ice cream but don't want to part with it during your fruit diet, try replacing it with frozen fruit. For example, freeze banana or strawberry slices and enjoy this treat without harming your figure.

Rule 4: Gradually introduce new healthy habits. If you're used to snacking on a sandwich, try adding a fruit salad or grapefruit to your diet. Start with a small amount and gradually increase it so that your body can get used to new foods.

Rule 5: Make your breakfast healthier and tastier. Replace traditional breakfasts with yogurt with pieces of fresh fruit or oatmeal with dried fruits and a glass of freshly squeezed juice. This breakfast will give you a boost of energy for the day and will also help satisfy your sweet tooth.

Rule 6: Choose healthy desserts. If you like baking, try making it from cottage cheese and fruits with a minimum amount of sugar. For example, you can bake apple pie or banana muffins.

Rule 7: Keep fruit in a visible place. If you want to increase your fruit intake, keep it in a visible place, such as in a bowl on the kitchen counter. This way, you'll remind yourself to include fruit in your diet and won't be able to pass by without grabbing at least one.

Rule 8: Diversify your choice of fruits. Don't limit yourself to just one type of fruit. Try to diversify your diet by adding different fruits, such as apples, pears, bananas, oranges, kiwis, strawberries, mangoes and others. This way you will get more nutrients and vitamins.

Rule 9: Avoid fruit juices. Fruit juices can be high in sugar and calories, so it's best to avoid them on a fruit-based diet. If you do want to drink fruit juice, choose fresh juice and do not add sugar or other sweet additives.

Rule 10: Don't forget about moderation. Fruits are a healthy and useful product, but you should not abuse them. Watch the amount of fruit you eat and remember to practice moderation. On average, it is recommended to consume 2-3 servings of fruit per day.

Overall, a fruit diet can be an effective way to control weight and improve health if you follow a few simple rules. However, before starting any diet, it is best to consult a doctor or nutritionist to make sure it is right for you.