Personal hygiene

Article "Personal hygiene"

Personal hygiene is a set of hygienic rules, the implementation of which helps to preserve and strengthen human health. Personal hygiene includes general hygienic rules that are the same for people of any age: proper alternation of mental and physical labor, physical education, regular meals of nutritious food, alternation of work and active rest, adequate sleep.

Particular attention in personal hygiene is paid to maintaining cleanliness of the body, linen, clothing, as well as cleanliness of the home and workplace. The most important means to keep your skin clean are water and soap. Daily showering is recommended, as well as bathing with soap and a washcloth at least once a week.

Mandatory elements of personal hygiene are caring for hair, oral cavity, nails, and regular change of underwear.

Personal hygiene has features for people of different genders and ages. Children from an early age need to be taught hygiene skills. During adolescence, sex education becomes important. Women should observe special rules of personal hygiene during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. Men are recommended to thoroughly clean their genitals every day. In old age, following the rules of personal hygiene helps maintain health and active longevity.