
The topic of this article is the influence of acidity or neutrality of the environment on the rate of biochemical reactions. The concept of pH of a medium can be written as the logarithm of the ratio of the concentration of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions in solution. The range of pH values ​​lies between -5 and +14, while pH=7 is considered to be a neutral state. If the environment is more acidic, then the pH value is less than 7, and if it is more alkaline, then more than 7. The concentration of all electrolytes in the blood plasma is not constant and depends on nutrition, physical activity, changes in body temperature, and the state of the organ system and fluids. The effect of ionized calcium on the risk of cardiovascular diseases has now been shown. The main objective of this publication is to show the influence of the structure of the DNA molecule, the amino acid composition of proteins and the structure of the enzyme on the rate of chemical transformation. For example, calcium, interacting with prothrombin - a protein and vitamin K, plays an important role in blood clotting. Vitamin K deficiency leads to hemorrhagic syndromes. A number of substances for DNA and proteins, such as sodium chloride, potassium and fluoride, can interact with hemoglobin proteins and stimulate cardiac activity. The ionic bonds of proteins determine its rigidity and state at the isoelectric point. Analysis of the structure of DNA molecules and their ability to fold allows us to draw conclusions about the functioning of a specific region of the genome. The article will be useful to biologists, physiologists and physicians.