Methods for developing endurance.

Hello, dear readers of our website “fitness and bodybuilding in Russian”. In this article we will talk about our body’s ability to withstand prolonged physical activity, or in other words, let's talk about such a quality of the human body as endurance. Let's find out what it is anaerobic And aerobic endurance. What are their differences and how are they similar? Well, of course, we will dwell in detail on the methodology of their development.

Let's start with aerobic...

Aerobic endurance

General or aerobic endurance is achieved in the process of uniform (variable), continuous and interval exercises. In the first case, the exercises last 10-30 minutes, and the heart rate (pulse) at the initial stage of training is approximately 130-150 beats per minute. Subsequently, the intensity of work increases, and accordingly the pulse reaches 150-180 beats/min.

Variable speed of exercise at heart rates up to 180 beats/min is not associated with great difficulties. Long accelerations are much easier to tolerate than short but frequent ones, because the body gets more time to rebuild and coordinate its adaptive functions.

At interval training method the exercise is performed for 1-3 minutes, heart rate increases to 170-180 beats per minute. Rest until the heart rate decreases to 120-130 beats per minute (approximately 45-80 s). The training effect appears by the 6-12th week of training and reaches 10-30 percent.

Anaerobic (speed) endurance develops, as a rule, using a repeated method, in which the load is dosed as follows:


The main indicators of the load aimed at developing speed (anaerobic) endurance:






Intensity (speed)

doing exercises

Time relax

Number of repetitions




in series

In one





5-10 s


2-3 min

4-6 min





30 s - 2 min

85-95 %

10-45 s




  1. alactic (creatine-phosphate energy supply mechanism),
  2. lactate (glycolytic mechanism).

Strength endurance

Anaerobic strength endurance develops in the same way as speed - by repeating exercises. However, unlike speed exercises, where the work covers many muscle groups, here, as a rule, exercises with weights are used, locally affecting individual muscle groups. Of particular importance in this case is the ability of those involved to continue the exercise against the background of fatigue and associated pain due to the significant concentration of breakdown products in the working muscles.

Working method:

Dynamic (overcoming, yielding, mixed), and in some cases static, is recommended as the main mode of muscle work when developing strength endurance. In strength dynamic exercises, loads with weights equal to 50-80 °/o from the maximum are used. Exercises are repeated from 6 to 32 times. The pace is average. The duration depends on the number of repetitions. The duration of rest pauses is 30-60 seconds between exercises and 2-5 minutes between sets. The next exercise should begin when the heart rate is restored to 110-120 beats/min.

Promotion strength endurance indicators is directly achieved in the process of improving the anatomical function of transporting oxygen from hemoglobin to myofibrils (muscle cells), the ability to deliver a large amount of oxygen debt by increasing the anaerobic capabilities of the body and volitional resistance to adverse changes in our internal environment.

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