Reverse grip biceps curl

"Reverse biceps" - one of the key exercises in developing and shaping forearm muscles. An alternative name for this exercise is “Reverse Grip Biceps Curl” or “Overhand Biceps Curl.”

The exercise can be performed in various variations of the apparatus:
  1. With a barbell
  2. With a bent rod
  3. With dumbbells
  4. With a block device.
The starting points also vary:
  1. standing,
  2. Sitting
  3. On an inclined bench,
  4. On Scott's bench
  5. On similar strength training machines.

In addition to the main effect on the forearm muscles, the “Reverse Biceps” exercise also partially affects the shoulder flexor.

Experts recommend an optimal grip at shoulder width. However, many famous bodybuilders use a fairly narrow reverse grip in this exercise - 12-15 centimeters wide. The number of repetitions per approach is at least 30.

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