In bodybuilding, bodybuilding and fitness, side lifts are used for the purpose of more accentuated development of the lateral muscles of the torso. The so-called oblique abdominal muscles are well loaded. At its core, this exercise is something between the “Sit-up” and “Hyperextension”. Performed both on a horizontal and an incline bench.
How to properly perform lateral raises?
- Warm up well before this exercise, since the angle of impact is extremely dangerous.
- Lie sideways on a horizontal bench.
- Secure your feet to the holders of a bench or exercise machine.
- Your body should hang over the bench.
- Inhaling slowly, lower your torso down,
- As you exhale, slowly raise your torso to its original horizontal position.
- The slower your pace, the more beneficial and effective the effect on the target muscles.
- Athletes are recommended to perform at least fifteen repetitions per set.
When performing lateral lifts of the body, it is allowed to use and use additional burdens – a light dumbbell, a barbell disc, weighted bracelets fixed on the wrists and other options.
Well, and finally, let us remind you that for high-quality muscle growth and the formation of abdominal definition, you need to actively eat protein, which may not be enough in everyday food, and seriously fight subcutaneous fat. That is why modern bodybuilders supplement their diet with specialized diverse products: proteins, creatines, fat burners, etc., etc. Today you can buy such sports nutritional supplements almost anywhere in the world, in any region of our country, as well as in the countries of the former post-Soviet space. A wide network of specialized stores, including online stores, has covered our entire planet. Here, for example, is where you can buy sports nutrition - an excellent online store where you can find everything you need for the most demanding and demanding bodybuilder. Let's go crazy!
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