
Massage is one of the most ancient and effective ways to influence the human body. It helps improve blood circulation, increase muscle tone, relieve tension and fatigue, improve immunity and overall tone of the body. However, in order to achieve maximum effect and avoid possible negative consequences, you need to know the basic principles and techniques of massage.

This book is intended for a wide range of readers interested in massage. She gives recommendations on preparing a massage therapist’s workplace, introduces various types, forms and methods of massage. In it you can find useful information about hygienic, preventive, therapeutic, sports, cosmetic, acupressure and Chinese massage, as well as about the technique of self-massage.

The chapter “Hygienic massage” will help the reader to perform a massage that restores strength or a massage that soothes after a busy day at work. Information about preventive massage, which will help maintain health, will also be useful. In the same chapter you can get acquainted with the technique of self-massage, accessible to any person.

The chapter “Therapeutic massage” gives recommendations for massage for a wide variety of diseases, and the chapter “Sports massage” will be of interest to athletes and coaches. The chapter “Cosmetic massage” is intended primarily for women, and will help them maintain youth and attractiveness for many years.

For young parents, the book includes a chapter “Massage for children in the first year of life,” which provides recommendations for massage and exercises for the child. These recommendations will help parents raise their baby healthy and harmoniously developed.

The technique of classical massage is described in detail in the chapter “Methods and techniques of classical massage”. Many of the above types of massage are based on classical massage techniques, so mastering this technique will help the reader more deeply understand and appreciate the techniques of other types of massage.

We hope that this book will become an indispensable assistant for everyone who is interested in massage and cares about their health and well-being.