Taking collagen internally provokes

Humanity has been searching for the recipe for eternal youth since time immemorial. New means appear, old ones disappear into oblivion, but still the years take their toll. Today, the minds of women are excited by a new product on the market - drinking collagen. The manufacturer made the advertisement very attractive, pressing on the weakest point. It explains the ineffectiveness of applying products containing collagen to the skin. Through pores, molecules cannot be absorbed and produce the desired effect. But once it enters the body, it will do exactly what is needed, that is, restore skin, nails and hair. Is this really so and is it worth consuming drinking collagen? This is what we have to find out today.


Three ways

Let's dwell on the theory a little more. The fact is that people have long known that collagen and elastin are the substances that give the skin elasticity and good appearance. After 30 years, less of it begins to be produced, as a result the skin becomes sagging and wrinkles appear. To stop this process, they began to produce various creams that did not give the desired effect. Then progress moved further. Cosmetologists have learned to introduce collagen using injections. However, the high price and lack of evidence of the effectiveness of this procedure have left it in the shadows. Then beauty experts suggested the easiest way - drinking collagen.


What is it?

In fact, the idea of ​​consuming it internally is not new at all. Eastern peoples knew well that a strong broth cooked with meat, with veins and bones, helps preserve youthful skin and joints. For the Kazakhs it is horse meat broth, for the Russians it is jellied meat, and for the Japanese it is an infusion of seaweed that has gelling properties. Among all these nations, you can find centenarians who are distinguished by good health and the absence of wrinkles. This means that we can assume that drinking collagen is an effective remedy, but not at all a new product.


A little physiology

Let's not argue for now whether the new product is an effective product and whether it is worth buying. Let's turn to physiology for now. What is collagen? This is a protein that our body really needs. Thanks to enzymes, any protein is broken down into amino acids. Then what is the difference whether you ate boiled meat or took drinking collagen? Reviews from specialists in the field of dietary nutrition claim that there is no big difference, but there are practically no sources of it in our daily diet.

Collagen is a special fibrillar protein, which is very scarce in meat. The main source is connective tissue. Thanks to a special set of amino acids, it gives tissue density and elasticity. There are a number of functions that collagen fibers perform in the body:

  1. Thanks to its sufficient quantity, the good condition of tissues and tendons is maintained, their stretching is ensured and rupture is prevented.
  2. It is also a building material, due to which connective tissue cells are renewed, and the skin looks young and healthy.
  3. But most importantly, collagen helps retain water in cells. This is enough to prevent withering, wrinkles and sagging.


Three types

Today on the market you can more often find animal collagen, liquid, drinking. It is the cheapest and is obtained from cattle skin and pork tissue. Its regular intake replenishes the body's reserves, as a result it helps control the appearance of wrinkles.

The second option is marine collagen. It is also widely advertised and can be found in the market in the form of a ready-made powder for making a solution. It is produced from fish skin, and the structure is very close to that of human collagen fibers. It is produced from marine or freshwater animals, and in some cases this collagen can cause an allergic reaction.

The third type is plant. But in fact, this is a marketing ploy to attract vegetarians and women who watch their figure. This is an extract from wheat grain, which has nothing to do with collagen.

Under the influence of protein, body weight is reduced, energy is increased, and joints are maintained healthy. Collagen supplements strengthen hair and nails and reduce their fragility several times.


How to take collagen protein

It is sold in powder form in stores. Before use, it is diluted with water to make it liquid. The only drawback is the taste, which many find too unpleasant. The smell is also not very pleasing, but purely in the form of benefits for the body it is quite possible to tolerate it.

The proportion is quite simple, one teaspoon per glass of water. In addition, you can use milk, kefir or juice instead of water. Be sure to consume it 30 minutes before meals. Animal collagen is best suited for rejuvenating the body, but marine collagen is best for joint health.

Collagen hydrolyzate

It is sold in most pharmacies and is quite inexpensive. It is used as a dietary supplement. With constant use, this substance can accumulate in cartilage tissues, as well as in the intercellular space. If you take 10 g of collagen protein orally daily, you can reduce damage to cartilage tissue. Therefore, such drugs serve as effective assistants for the prevention of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, help relieve pain and improve well-being. The general course of treatment is one month, but experts recommend using collagen constantly.


"Libriderm" - drinking collagen

This complex includes hydrolyzed collagen, vitamin C and hyaluronic acid, B vitamins. Of course, the composition is very useful. Thanks to the special formula, all components are absorbed by 90%. To achieve the first results, it is advisable to take the drug for at least 3 months, and generally preferably longer. This is not a medicine, but only a protein that every cell of your body really needs. Among those who have already taken Libriderm (drinkable collagen), reviews of the results are quite good. There are no side effects, the body works like a clock, you feel an increase in energy, even after a hard day you don’t feel sleepy. But regarding the reduction of wrinkles, almost no one notes such an effect, except that the skin color becomes fresher. But this is not surprising, because you are not taking a miracle pill, but a simple protein, albeit a very important one.

Doctors' opinions

What do specialists, cosmetologists, dermatologists and therapists say? How do they rate drinking collagen? Reviews from doctors are quite modest. There will definitely be no harm from it, so you can use this additive in your food regularly. The body will break down protein into amino acids, and all of them will be used to ensure its vital functions. But there is no special protein that will only be used to improve skin condition.

According to studies, taking collagen in powder form, as well as in cream form, is ineffective for rejuvenation. The fact is that wrinkles form in the dermis, and that is where collagen fibers should be. When applying a cream, even if it contains similar molecules, their integration into the dermis cannot occur. And drunk collagen cannot be used by the body as a building material for skin cells.


Instead of a conclusion

Using collagen supplements will not harm your body. This is a source of valuable protein, which is the main building material and source of energy. However, by optimizing your diet, you will get exactly the same effect. Therefore, include meat, fruit jelly and jellied meat in your diet, as well as vegetables and fruits as sources of vitamins and fiber. Believe me, the result will be no worse.

On topic “What is collagen. Types and sources of collagen" we talked about why we need collagen in the first place. Today we will talk about how to take collagen supplements correctly.

Let's straight away dot the E. We do not take collagen in our medications, despite what is written on the label. We take amino acids from which our body will synthesize its own collagen. As I already said, the process is complex, energy- and resource-intensive. Moreover, resources are not so much money as the vitamins and minerals necessary for this, which should be in our body at this time.

Let me remind you once again about the types of collagen

Types 1 and 3 are found mainly in places such as: skin, tendons, bones, cornea, placenta, arteries, liver, dentin (bone substance of the tooth) (1) and arteries, uterus, fetal skin, stroma of parenchymal organs (connective tissue base parenchymal organs, which include the liver, spleen, endocrine and exocrine glands, brain and others) (3).

Type 2 – in cartilage, intervertebral discs, vitreous body, cornea. It is often contained in preparations of another product that we will take for our rejuvenation - hyaluronic acid, as well as preparations for joints.

That is, if we are interested in the process of rejuvenation of the body, primarily the skin, we use types 1 and 3. If there are problems with joints, then 2.

Rules for taking collagen types 1, 3 and collagen type 2

  1. They cannot be mixed with each other. That is, if you drank, for example, fish (bovine) collagen - these are types 1 and 3, then at the same time you cannot use preparations with hyaluronic acid containing type 2 collagen.
  2. At least 1 hour should pass between their doses. Why? So that the amino acid profiles of different types of collagen do not mix, and our body correctly recognizes the supplement.
  3. Take collagen at least 30 minutes before meals on an empty stomach or, if you prefer to consume it before bed, then no earlier than two hours after your last meal.
    Why? Both collagen and the food entering the body contain a certain set of amino acids, which, when taken at the same time, are mixed, and the body does not recognize collagen in the supplement. And we absolutely don’t need it!
  4. The course of taking collagen types 1 and 3 is three months, then a break of three months. Next, we alternate: reception and rest. For women who have entered menopause, when active aging occurs, or if you have problems with joints, the course can be determined as follows: six months – drink collagen, 2 months – rest. Change the type and manufacturer of collagen from time to time. Fish is not addictive, but still.
  5. A measuring spoon of powder should first be diluted with 10-15 ml (1 tablespoon) of any non-hot drink that does not contain protein.
    Stir so that there are no lumps, then add to 200-240 ml.
    The best options for drinks are water or juice; you can use either freshly squeezed or store-bought in bags.
    Another option for mixing quickly and efficiently is a shaker.

What enhances the effect of collagen

  1. Vitamin C. It enhances the effect of collagen. It is enough to take the daily dose of vitamin C (60 mg) to achieve the desired result.
  2. Sex hormones. This means that we really need lecithin (choline and inositol fractions) and magnesium. These elements are the most important participants in all hormonal processes occurring in our body.
  3. Multivitamin complexes. Our body is a single whole and all the processes occurring in it are certainly interconnected. A deficiency of at least one of the elements threatens a failure in the absorption and synthesis of others, so vitamins and microelements of these complexes will be very useful.
  4. Silicon additives. Collagen is a supplier of amino acids, the building blocks for the synthesis of our own collagen, and silicon stimulates this process, being its obligatory participant.

How is collagen in powder better than collagen in tablets?

Powdered collagen diluted in a drink is absorbed faster by the body, and this is important for drugs taken on an empty stomach. It will only take about 30 minutes for the tablet to dissolve in the digestive system, while it would already need to be absorbed during this time. That is why the daily dose of collagen in tablets should be taken in 2 doses (morning and evening) - 6 tablets at once is very difficult for the body to quickly absorb. This also brings additional complications. In addition, 1 mg of collagen powder is cheaper than 1 mg of collagen tablets. But I must say, there is another form of collagen - in capsules. Capsules are the same powder, but in a gelatin shell. Absorbed faster than tablets, but slower than powder. At a cost of 1 mg, collagen in capsules is the most expensive, but it is a viable option

Exactly how much to weigh in grams

Collagen — prophylactic dose — 5 g/day. Therapeutic - up to 10 g/day

Vitamin C -60-120 mg

Hyaluronic acid — 100-200 mg

VMC, phospholipids, silicon and magnesium - according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

What I personally accept:

I want to say right away that the first 2 cans from this set are mandatory. Collagen, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C. The remaining drugs are process enhancers. They are necessary during premenopause and menopause. And also if you have endocrine problems. If you are young and do not have any illnesses, then the first two cans will be enough for you. I hope))) If there is clearly no result, add process enhancers.

Price $12.00/2 servings per day (therapeutic dose)/0.60 per day

Price $12.00/1 serving per day (preventive dose)/0.30 per day

1 serving - 5g marine collagen type 1 + 60 mg vitamin C + 60 mg hyaluronic acid.

Doctor’s Best, Best hyaluronic acid with chondroitin sulfate

Price $30.78/2 tablets per day (therapeutic dose)/0.34 per day

Price $30.78/1 tablet per day (preventive dose)/0.17 per day

1 tablet - 300 mg collagen type 2 + 50 mg hyaluronic acid + 100 mg chondroitin sulfate (for joints)TO BE USED SEPARATELY FROM TYPE 1 COLLAGEN.

Price $6.74/ 1 tablet per day /0.07

Prevents the destruction of hyaluronic acid in the body. Helps protect skin from harmful UV rays and prevent tumor formation. It has the ability to protect the body from various types of cancer, including lung cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer. In addition, it can fight the signs of skin aging.

Price $25.59/ 10 drops per day/ 0.43

in 10 drops - 10 mg of silicon in an ideally bioavailable form and 200 mg of choline (phospholipid)

Price $10.44/2-4g per day/0.09-0.18

Ideally bioavailable form of magnesium

Price $16.50/2 tablets per day/0.33

I said that I don’t like lecithin, but use its fractions, which are essential (irreplaceable). Lipotropic factors (choline, inositol and L-Methionine) also restore the liver and lipid metabolism. Reduces bad cholesterol. Sometimes, instead of lipotropic factors, I just take phosphatidylcholine.

Price $27.99/1 capsule per day/0.37

On topic "What is collagen" it was said that copper, selenium, and vitamin B6 are necessary for collagen synthesis. Vitamin-mineral complexes exist precisely for this purpose, to supply all the necessary elements. The drug is one of my favorites. Raw vitamins from fruits and vegetables at a reasonable price


The materials on this blog cannot be used for self-medication. Taking any medication without a doctor's prescription is dangerous to your health. Only a doctor can recommend something to you, make diagnoses and prescribe treatment in a personal meeting. I can only share my opinion, which is based on scientific research and my own experience.

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In this article we will figure out whether it is possible to drink collagen, how beneficial it is and whether there are any side effects?

Humanity is constantly searching for the secrets of youth. It has been scientifically proven that aging occurs due to the loss of collagen and elastin in the structure of skin cells. To prevent this process and restore youth to the skin, it is necessary to eliminate the deficiency.

Cosmetics containing collagen have made progress in cosmetology. However, very soon women became convinced of its low effectiveness. This was followed by administration by injection under the skin.

The expensive procedure does not guarantee lasting long-term results and has a number of side effects. The next step was taking the important component internally.


To understand whether you need to drink it, you need to understand some details. The human body consists of connective tissue. And it, in turn, is made from fibroblasts, the most important components they produce - elastin, collagen. The latter is a protein, is the building material of tissue, provides shape and elasticity.

Protein is a chain of bonds of amino acids and minerals. The main role in them is played by the amino acid glycine. Bone tissue, along with these components, contains certain minerals, which make it elastic. Hair and nails are formed from the same chain of components with the addition of keratin.

For complete protein formation, it is necessary to ensure a constant supply of amino acids, especially glycine, and minerals. There cannot be a long-awaited rejuvenation effect if collagen is supplied and elastin is not enough.

This component is also a protein, but it is formed by slightly different components. To make it easier to understand this idyll, a clear example is that collagen is responsible for stretching connective tissues, elastin is responsible for returning them to their original position. The components always act in pairs. The lack of each of them leads to tissue stretching, wrinkles, and deformation.

The main functions include

  1. Bonding cells, creating the frame of the body, skin, internal organs.
  2. Providing strength to ligaments, tendons, bones, muscles.
  3. Maintaining skin elasticity. Provides smoothness, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, evens out the relief, tightens the contours.
  4. Maintaining water balance in cells together with hyaluronic acid.

The cause of most diseases and deformities is a disruption in the production of this component. Pathologies of the heart, joints, and musculoskeletal system appear. Aging is often associated with this process. The first signs of insufficient amounts are observed after 25 years.

First of all, this affects the skin and the musculoskeletal system. So is it worth taking internally and will it be beneficial?

Currently, there are several varieties that a person can take orally.

Animal. It is obtained from the skins, bones, cartilage of cattle, chickens, and pigs. Is the most common. Always available for free sale at a reasonable price.

Nautical. The extraction process is more labor-intensive and expensive. The component is obtained from the bones and scales of sea fish. Considered more effective. The structure is more reminiscent of human. However, it can provoke a severe allergic reaction, both upon contact with the skin and during ingestion.

There is another concept: “vegetable”. The substance is obtained from wheat grains and has nothing in common with this component. PR and advertising stunt!

In turn, animal and marine are also divided into subspecies:

  1. Native.
  2. Gelatin.
  3. Hydrolyzate or hydrolyzed collagen.

Each of them has its own characteristics, is absorbed differently in the body when it gets inside.

  1. Native. Natural, natural. It comes from eating chicken legs, cartilage, pig ears, and so on. It seems that what could be better is natural protein. But no, the less it is processed, the more difficult it is for the body to digest it and transform it into the form it needs. If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, enzyme deficiency, it will not be absorbed and will be excreted unchanged. The process is meaningless for digestion.
  2. Gelatin. It is obtained by prolonged cooking of bones, tendons and cartilage. The cooking process destroys collagen ligaments, resulting in a product that is easy for the body to absorb. An example is the dish jellied meat, which contains gelatin similar to what is sold in bags. Therefore, it is possible to replenish natural protein in this way. However, its content is not too high to carry out significant transformations and rejuvenate the body. And with the presence of gastrointestinal problems, digestibility also decreases.
  3. Hydrolyzed. The easiest and best form for the absorption of protein, replenishing the deficiency of an important component. In the process of its production, collagen bonds are destroyed down to the smallest with the help of acids and alkalis. Once in the body, it is absorbed almost instantly. No effort is wasted on breaking bonds or recognizing the necessary components; all that remains is to absorb the finished peptides and amino acids. This form cannot be obtained at home; it is supplied in the form of active food additives (BAA).

Hydrolyzed protein is obtained from animal, marine. There is still no definite answer which is better. It is believed that the marine one is more similar to the human one, but there is no reliable data.

While drugs containing it cost an order of magnitude higher. It is recommended to drink ready-made products according to a certain scheme.

Should you take collagen?

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to replenish the amount of this important component. However, the most useful and effective collagen is what is produced by your own body. The main thing is to provide the conditions for the full synthesis of one’s own element. You need to consume amino acids, which are its components, minerals, vitamins to ensure synthesis.

Any type can be broken down into small particles. Then they are sent to the places in the human body that need them most. Despite the promises of manufacturers - skin rejuvenation, voluminous hair, figure tightening.

There will be no immediate visible result. Because for this it is necessary to normalize the functioning of the whole organism. And then there will be rejuvenation, healing, strengthening. Moreover, drinking it in moderation is beneficial!

Excess protein leads to blood thickening and leads to a number of pathologies and diseases. It is not recommended to take it constantly; you need to take a break and follow the dosage.

How to drink collagen

When purchasing a dietary supplement, you should pay attention to the type of collagen I, II, III. They should be drunk separately, not mixed. The first, third type of protein improves joints, bones, nails, hair, skin. The second is responsible for articular cartilage, combined with hyaluronic acid. Some manufacturers supplement the composition with vitamins and minerals.

Types 1 and 2 are produced in the form of powder, tablets, capsules, and liquid. It is recommended to take one hour before meals or after meals. Type 2 supplements can be taken with meals or combined with other dietary supplements. The basic rule for proper intake is a sufficient amount of vitamin C. It accelerates the processes of absorption and synthesis.

You can take the drug at any time of the day. You need to consume 2 g per day. For athletes, the dose is increased to 5 g. For injuries, several courses are required. It is recommended to alternate dietary supplements with gelatin and vitamin C. For example, take a dietary supplement for a month, rest for 30 days, then take gelatin in the form of jelly, marmalade, or aspic together with ascorbic acid for the next month. Then again dietary supplement.

There is mixed opinion about whether to drink during pregnancy or not. It is believed that taking it increases the elasticity of tissues and prevents ruptures during childbirth. To drink or not is an individual decision. It is better not to do this when breastfeeding. It can have a bad effect on the baby’s body and cause allergies.

As for the question of whether to give it or not to children, the best option is to give vitamins to stimulate the production of their own collagen. If you push from the outside, there may be negative consequences. Until the age of 25, collagen is actively produced without outside help. The exception is pathologies and diseases when a doctor recommends taking collagen.

What to remember

  1. Collagen is a protein found in the connective tissues of the human body.
  2. Until a certain age, collagen is produced independently in the body.
  3. Environmental influences and bad habits reduce the amount of protein.
  4. A lack of substance provokes early aging and deterioration of well-being.
  5. Food will compensate for the lack of collagen.

Education: Diploma in General Medicine and Therapy received from the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006).