A simple neck self-massage technique

Self-massage of the neck is effective at the beginning of the working day. Before performing the procedure, it is recommended to first clean the required surface of the skin and then lubricate it with cream or massage oil. After applying the cream, immerse the towel in cool salted water, wring it out and apply several patting movements to the neck area.

The procedure for self-massage of the neck can be carried out using a brush, provided that the bristles are not so hard. We take into account one important feature when performing self-massage of the neck: you cannot massage the thyroid gland area.

When preparing the neck area, apply the nourishing cream with smooth stroking movements from bottom to top, smoothly moving your palms to the chin area. It is not recommended to stretch the skin during massage.

Self-massage of the neck

Self-massage of the neck will help reduce the level of fat deposits in this area.

Step-by-step neck self-massage

Let's consider the procedure for self-massage of the neck step by step:

  1. We start by gently stroking the upper area - movements are performed transversely, that is, from the right ear to the left and in the opposite direction.
  2. Next, we move on to gently tapping the entire surface of the neck with four fingers of the right and left hands. The tapping is performed smoothly, gently, without causing any pain. Only slight redness may remain on the skin.
  3. Let's move on to rubbing. To do this, with straight fingers of both hands we begin to “saw” the surface, gradually increasing the pace. The fingers should move towards each other.
  4. Then we perform parallel sawing of the skin.
  5. We finish the massage with light gentle stroking, as if soothing the surface of the massaged skin.

This self-massage of the neck will be a great start to a new day for you. The resulting charge of energy will be enough for the whole day.