A simple complex of abdominal massage after childbirth

Pregnancy is undoubtedly the most amazing and wonderful time for every woman. But unfortunately, this wonderful period does not have a very good effect on the figure, and in particular on the stomach. Abdominal massage after childbirth is certainly the lifesaver that will bring your stomach to ideal condition.

You should understand that you will not be able to instantly return your tummy to its previous state. You need to set yourself up for painstaking, systematic work. Only a comprehensive and consistent plan of massage exercises will help cope with sagging and extra centimeters in the waist.

Abdominal massage after childbirth

A properly performed abdominal massage after childbirth will give the skin firmness and elasticity.

Rules for performing abdominal massage after childbirth

In general, any massage should include physical, emotional and mental factors. A very important point is that the massage should be carried out in a good mood, without tension and overcoming oneself.

In order not to harm your own body, you need to take into account a few simple but important rules for the massage procedure:

  1. After eating, 1.5 hours must pass before the massage can begin.
  2. During the procedure, you cannot massage the area of ​​the lymph nodes, as well as the areas of dilated blood vessels.
  3. You cannot massage the abdomen if there are inflammatory processes in the body, fungal infections, or at elevated body temperature.
  4. Also, massage should not be performed during menstruation, with a hernia, kidney disease, or gall bladder.

Don't forget to drink more pure water, not carbonated, but clean. In this way, your metabolic processes will work more actively, the removal of toxic and harmful substances from the body will increase, and your tummy will quickly acquire the desired shape.

A set of massage exercises for the abdomen

Stroking technique

We begin and end the abdominal massage with a stroking technique.

Before performing a massage, you need to mentally set yourself up for a positive result, that this particular massage will help remove the stomach after childbirth.

Lie on your back so that you feel comfortable and comfortable. You can bend your knees. So let's get started:

  1. We begin to slowly stroke the stomach clockwise, gradually increasing the pressure. You should not experience any discomfort.
  2. Let's move on to kneading: to do this, we perform rotational movements with our fingers from the lower abdomen to the ribs. And in this way we work the entire abdominal area.
  3. We perform light stroking from the sides to the navel. We carry out stroking with both hands.
  4. If there are large fat deposits on the stomach, in this case we perform the “rolling” technique: with the edge of the left hand we stroke the stomach, and with the right we knead the resulting fold.
  5. We move on to the next technique called “sawing.” We fold the edges of our palms parallel to each other and begin to rub the stomach, right hand in one direction, left in the other.
  6. The next technique is “pinching”. We grab the skin and lift it slightly, as if pinching ourselves. We move clockwise.
  7. The final method of abdominal massage after childbirth is stroking and relaxing massage with the fingertips.

In addition to massage, watch your diet, pay attention to yoga classes, and in particular Pilates and callanetics classes will contribute to faster and more effective results.