Scientists: December 31 needs breakfast, lunch and dinner

New Year's holidays are a time of fun, cozy parties and, of course, hearty feasts. However, as Russian nutritionists from the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences warn, before starting the New Year celebrations, the body needs to follow a strict food intake regimen.

In other words, on December 31 you need to have breakfast, lunch and even dinner so as not to overload your stomach and eat less at night. This is due to the fact that the body needs time to digest food, and if you do not follow a meal plan, you may experience a feeling of hunger late in the evening, when sweets and other temptations are already at the table.

In addition, doctors recommend starting New Year's celebrations at 20:00, when you can eat and drink heavily. At this time, the body will already have time to digest the food, and you will feel full and satisfied. At night, it is recommended to drink light cocktails and fruits that will not overload the stomach.

But that's not all. Nutritionists strongly advise avoiding salads with mayonnaise and fatty meats. Mayonnaise is high in fat and calories, and fatty meats are harder to digest and can make your stomach feel heavy.

Thus, to maintain your health and not ruin your holiday due to stomach discomfort, do not forget to eat regularly throughout the day and choose light and healthy dishes. This precaution will help you enjoy the holiday festivities and not experience unpleasant consequences in the form of heartburn, nausea and other gastrointestinal problems.