Curling your arms on a block

Standing biceps curls are a very cool exercise for polishing and improving the shape of your biceps.

Performed from a standing position with both hands simultaneously, alternately or alternately. As with other exercises with pulley devices, it will not be superfluous to apply the principles of bodybuilding here:

  1. "peak compression"
  2. "constant tension"
  3. "negative repetitions"

Don't load yourself with heavy weights - use a relatively medium load. What is more important is purity of execution and concentration. Do it as slowly as possible, with the negative phase (extension) lasting two to three times longer than the positive phase (flexion). Feel every millimeter of movement thoroughly.

As an alternative to the block device, bodybuilders also use spring and rubber shock absorbers.

Having pumped up your biceps properly in the above way, do not forget about sports nutrition: high-quality and inexpensive proteins, creatines, gainers, fat burners, as well as dietary supplements and vitamins. After all, after active strength training, the body so needs new building materials to replenish its losses and overcompensation, which is so necessary for all bodybuilders. After all, it is precisely this feature of the human body that is the key to our constant muscle growth.

We also note this important fact that block paired biceps are often used by bodybuilders during the drying period as a finishing tool for acquiring definition and an excellent way to combat the remnants of subcutaneous fat in this area. Well, in the off-season the main emphasis is still on basic exercises. So we do standing barbell lifts, or similarly work out with dumbbells to gain mass. Well, let’s leave the exercise described above for a snack, so to speak!

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