Zottman Curls

Grip curl «Hammer» or, in another way, «Zottman Curl», is another exercise that effectively affects not only the biceps brachii, but also the muscles of the forearm. In fact, this is nothing more than a regular dumbbell biceps curl, in which the hands are in the middle position (between the overhang and the pick-up), in other words, rotated inward by 90 degrees. Hold the dumbbells as if you were holding a hammer.

Variations of the Zottman Curl exercise

The exercise can be performed:

Hand movements can be:

standing, simultaneously,
sitting, alternately,
sitting on Scott's bench, alternately.
sitting on an inclined bench.

The Zottman bending, in its focus and effectiveness, acts as an analogue «Reverse Biceps», however, in this exercise the impact on the biceps brachii muscle is enhanced. Avoid cheating in your work - eliminate the possibility of helping with your legs and body.

Most often, Zottman curls are performed with dumbbells, but a bent barbell and a block device with a similar handle also have an effective effect. Well, and of course, growth hormones and peptides for bodybuilding will help you, which will help you quickly build up the muscle mass that we all desire so much and gain definition.

Also, for the harmonious and comprehensive formation of the forearm muscles, which, along with the lower leg, are rightly called “difficult muscles” due to the great difficulty of their accentuated development, we recommend regularly using such available sports equipment as: wrist expanders (rubber rings, springs, spirals, tongs, balls and their other variations), as well as expanders for the forearms, read more about which here. Remember: only a regular comprehensive, massive and integrated approach to training can lead you to success. So train these muscle groups as often and as varied as possible.

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