Protein content in food

If your home exercise machine does not have time to become covered with dust, if your dumbbells have not yet rusted somewhere in the attic or basement, if you do not forget about the existence of the horizontal bar in the doorway, in a word, if you did not come to “Iron Sports” for a couple - three days, but have decided to seriously and for a long time join the construction of your body, then the most pressing question that will torment you every minute is: “What should I eat?” Correct and well balanced nutrition is the key to success in bodybuilding and fitness. This is why every bodybuilder is so interested in protein content in everyday foods. Every self-respecting athlete should clearly know:

  1. what foods are high in protein,
  2. in which there is little of it,
  3. and what foods are best to exclude from your diet altogether.

But we will probably not start with this... First, we have to find out: what kind of proteins are there? Their varieties and distinctive features?

Animal and plant proteins

Proteins necessary for the human body are contained in food products of various origins. First of all, animal products provide the bulk of the proteins entering our body. They contain all the amino acids so necessary for the normal functioning of tissues. That is why these proteins are called full-fledged. In turn, plant proteins, with the exception of soy, usually do not contain the full range of all required amino acids, which is why they are called defective. However, a person needs products of both animal and plant origin, because proteins of both types have their own “pros” and “cons”. Already from a young age, an athlete is obliged comprehend the wisdom of the biochemistry of your bodyso that his bodybuilding activities are based on correct, accurate knowledge. Let's start with food of animal origin.

Animal products. The meat of fish, poultry or animals is their muscle tissue. It consists of interconnected fibers (myofibrils). The stronger this connection, the tougher the meat. The softest meat is from fish, the toughest is from wild animals. Since muscles are the most dynamic, active part of the body, meat contains especially a lot of protein. It is found in myofibrils. The content and amount of protein in products of animal origin is given in table:

Protein content in animal products


Protein, %


Protein, %



































Our body assimilates meat, fish and poultry to varying degrees. Therefore, all these products are said to have different biological value. It can be increased by making minced meat from such products, but even in this option, complete 100% absorption of complete proteins does not occur. Limit biological value (maximum content) of animal proteins is 70-80 percent.

How to properly consume the meat of animals, birds and fish for those who exercise on simulators and are passionate about weight training? Recommendations can be represented in the form a number of ruleswhich must be strictly observed. Here they are:

  1. Eat low-fat foods.
  2. Fish and lean poultry are much preferable to beef and pork (also called red meat).
  3. Cooking dishes should be accompanied by a minimum of heat treatment. When heated, the proteins in foods are destroyed. Therefore, steaming or frying is best.
  4. It is better not to use broths, because: a) they contain a lot of fat; b) they contain harmful substances obtained during cooking of meat.
  5. Less fried food, especially food cooked in large amounts of fat.

Products of plant origin. Legumes and cereals are particularly high in protein. Take a look at table No. 2:

Protein content in plant foods


Protein, %





Wheat flour




Oat groats




Rye flour




Barley groats




Pearl barley








As you can see, many products of plant origin also have a high protein content, and lentils, soybeans and beans - even superior to meat as a percentage of its content. Soybeans are especially popular among the Chinese and Americans. The Chinese know how to prepare soybean dishes that have the look and taste of meat products and are indistinguishable from them.

Despite this “protein superiority,” bodybuilders do not favor peas and beans, but prefer cottage cheese and chicken. The reason is that plant proteins inferior. In terms of biovalue, proteins of plant origin are significantly inferior to animal proteins: since they are digested only by 50-60 percent.

Another way to improve your protein intake—including plant-based ones—is cooking. For example, soy products that “mimic” meat products are perfectly digestible, and even better than their “originals.” In general, making combinations of products of different origins is a creative matter and requires some experimentation and finding recipes for dishes that suit you. However, you need to know that not all foods combine well with each other.

Legumes “don’t like” milk and fermented milk products, excluding sour cream and cheese. Meat does not seem to be demanding of its “partners”, but is better absorbed with vegetables.

Dairy products and eggs.

These products are used by athletes in large quantities, especially low-fat milk, kefir and cottage cheese. The reason is high values their proteins, which are very easily digestible and contain all the amino acids the body needs. Let us remember the fact that all mammals, and, of course, humans, are raised on milk; therefore, it contains everything that a growing organism requires.

Main types of milk proteins - casein And lactabulmin. 80 percent of them are casein; True, it is inferior in biological value to lactabulmonium.

Casein You can see it almost in its pure form - this is low-fat cottage cheese. The higher the fat content of cottage cheese (and cheese), the less protein they contain. So, four percent fat cottage cheese contains 16 g of protein per 100 g of product, nine percent - 14 g. As for cheeses, keep in mind that their fat content is measured in special units. Cheese with a fat content of 50 contains 28.5 g of fat and 20 g of protein per 1000 g of product, cheese with a fat content of 45 contains 25 and 22.5, respectively, and a fat content of 40 contains 21 and 23.5.

Speaking about the protein value of dairy products, one cannot fail to mention the important aspect of handling them. When heated and, especially when boiled, milk protein changes its molecular structure, as a result of which digestibility and, accordingly, biological value are significantly reduced. In addition, part of the protein is simply destroyed. The same rearrangement of casein molecules occurs during the preparation of cottage cheese. In addition, some of the vitamins present in milk are lost. It is best to consume cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than four percent and in combination with other products.

Of the dairy products for people who lift weights and stay in the gym, the most valuable are kefir and yogurt. This does not mean that you can swallow them as much as you like, but - only a moderate amount. Sour cream and butter contain mainly fat, and therefore should be almost excluded from the diet. However, for young athletes this prohibition should not be too strict.

Eggs, as is known, consist of proteins and yolks. What is commonly called egg white is albumin - a biologically very valuable substance with high, or rather even complete, digestibility. But when eggs are boiled, the molecular chains of albumin are mixed up in disarray, forming the well-known solid white mass, which is digested worse than albumin - the biological value does not exceed 90. Egg whites are also destroyed when heated in a frying pan, when we fry scrambled eggs. Its valuable properties are better preserved in an omelet. Even more important proteins are found in the yolk of an egg. When hard-boiled, the most active of them are destroyed. It is better to boil eggs soft-boiled. Of course, all nutritional value is retained in raw eggs. Unfortunately, they can be contaminated with pathogenic bacteria like salmonella.

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