Sports massage: main types and techniques

Sports massage is one of the special types of massage that is aimed at keeping athletes in good psychophysiological shape.

The main goal of sports massage is to increase the athlete’s endurance, eliminate any injuries, combat fatigue and fatigue, and improve general condition.

The technique used is an excellent means of preparing athletes for competitions or training. The action extends to muscles, skin, joints, the goal of which is to restore their functionality as much as possible.

Sports massage

Recovers well after long workouts

The effect of sports massage on a person

Physical impact on human skin causes the removal of dead cells from the outer layer of skin. In the process of this, the excretory function of the sweat and sebaceous glands increases. This helps improve skin respiration and skin blood circulation. When using sports massage, as with other types, metabolic processes are accelerated in the area that is subject to physical impact.

This procedure supplies the body with nutrients and oxygen. Due to this, muscle performance improves. The joints are also subject to this beneficial effect - joint mobility improves.

Massage has a positive effect on blood flow, accelerating it, thereby supplying all organs with nutrients and vital oxygen. It also has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, improving and toning human blood vessels. I would like to pay special attention to the effect on the nervous system. Depending on the technique, massage can have both a stimulating and calming effect. Techniques such as chopping, patting, and tapping are stimulating, while stroking is calming.

The technique of sports massage is simply invaluable for an athlete before the start of a competition. After all, it is massage that can best prepare a person for competitions and achieve the highest results.

Technique and methodology

Technique and basic massage techniques:

Sports massage technique

All techniques are performed with the body as relaxed as possible.

  1. All movements should be directed towards the lymph nodes: massage the legs from the feet to the knees, the back from the spine to the sides, etc.
  2. Movements and techniques should not cause pain in the athlete.
  3. It is recommended to start the massage with large parts of the body: back, arms, neck.
  4. The athlete should be as relaxed as possible and should take a position that is comfortable for him.

As a rule, the patient should lie on his back: the lower legs are massaged, then the interdigital spaces, rising to the knee joint. Afterwards, the massage therapist begins to act on the other side.

Basic techniques used during sports massage:

  1. Stroking

This technique is used to cleanse the skin of dead particles. This helps improve the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands, improving blood circulation and calming the nervous system. With the help of this technique, the body becomes ready for sporting events. The stroking technique can be performed with one hand or with two. It should be performed with slow, gentle movements if you want to calm the person. If your task is to obtain a tonic effect, the movements should be rhythmic and fast.

  1. Squeezing

The squeezing technique should be used in a more rhythmic and energetic manner, applying pressure to the area being massaged. It can be used both on the superficial layers of the skin and on the deep ones, the purpose of which is to excite the nerve endings located in the vessels, tendons and muscles. This technique helps improve metabolism and warm muscle tissue. Unlike stroking, squeezing only has a stimulating effect on the nervous system.

The technique is simple - using the base of a hand, or two hands, the massage therapist applies pressure to the required area.

  1. Trituration

The rubbing technique is even more energetic than squeezing. The pressure, accordingly, increases significantly. This technique is mainly used in the area of ​​congestion and tendons. Due to rubbing, pathological formations are destroyed.

  1. Kneading

The kneading technique is one of the most commonly used sports massage techniques. With its help, you can increase muscle tone, improve the elasticity of tendons, and increase blood circulation. The kneading technique only has a stimulating effect.

  1. Techniques using strikes

Techniques using blows can be of 3 types: beating, chopping and patting. Effleurage occurs by quickly tapping your palms on the skin. Chopping is done with the hands extended. The movements are rhythmic and fast. Patting is performed with the fingers pressed tightly to the palms. The technique is very similar to the tapping technique.

To relieve muscle tension, shake the massaged area of ​​skin. This helps improve blood flow and proper distribution of interstitial fluid.

Types of sports massage

After we've looked at the effects of sports massage on the body, it's time to look at the main types.

Types of sports massage

Massage should not cause pain in the patient

Training massage

Through training massage, physical muscle tone is restored, as well as the athlete’s psychological mood is improved.

In addition to the balanced physical effect, there is also a positive effect on the human central nervous system. A training massage can have both a stimulating and a calming effect, depending on the result you want to achieve. The duration of the massage is determined based on the physical condition of the athlete.

The main techniques of training massage are rubbing and stroking, since the main goal of this massage is the prevention of joints and muscles.

As a rule, a training massage is carried out 90 minutes after an intense workout and 1-2 days before the competition.

Preliminary massage

Preliminary massage is carried out immediately before the start of sporting events. The main goal is to increase physical endurance before intense training or competition.

The set of exercises that make up the preliminary massage is performed for 20-25 minutes. Preliminary massage also has an effect on the central nervous system: stimulating and calming, depending on the techniques used. Techniques such as squeezing, shaking, rubbing, kneading are included in the standard composition of the preliminary massage.

Restorative massage

The main goal is to restore the functioning of the athlete’s body. A lot depends on this massage: the effectiveness with which the massage is performed will determine how quickly the athlete will have the strength for the next training session.

A distinctive feature of this type of massage is that it can be performed during breaks between competitions. Basically, the effect of restorative massage is aimed at tired and “flabby” muscles. After a course of restorative massage, the muscles will become toned, the body will shake out and warm up.

The duration and intensity of the techniques will depend only on the physical characteristics of the athletes and their emotional state. Typically, the massage lasts 8-10 minutes.

Currently, this procedure is gaining increasing popularity. Widely introduced into the work of physical education organizations, it received massive approval among a large army of athletes.