Top 7 exercises for beautiful hands

Hands are one of the most visible parts of our body, and many women strive to have beautiful and toned arms. However, depending on genetics and lifestyle, many women may have problems with muscle tone and arm shape. In this article, we offer you the top 7 exercises for beautiful arms that will help you tighten your upper body, create the perfect shape and achieve the desired result.

  1. Thumb and index finger push-ups

This exercise will help you strengthen the muscles of your arms and chest. Take a lying position and form a triangle with your thumbs and forefingers. Do 12 push-ups. If it's too hard, you can bend your knees.

  1. Dumbbell bench press

This exercise will help strengthen the muscles of your arms and chest. Lie on a bench, hold dumbbells in each hand and lift them above your chest. Slowly lower the dumbbells down until your arms are at chest level, and then slowly lift the dumbbells up until your arms are fully extended. Complete 12 reps.

  1. Dumbbell lateral raises

This exercise will help strengthen the muscles of your arms and shoulders. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, stand straight and raise your arms out to your sides to shoulder level. Then slowly lower the dumbbells down to the starting position. Complete 12 reps.

  1. Dumbbell Curl

This exercise will help strengthen your arm muscles and biceps. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, sit on a chair and lower your arms down. Then slowly bend your arms upward, lifting the dumbbells towards your shoulders, and then slowly lower your arms to the starting position. Complete 12 reps.

  1. Bending arms on the horizontal bar

This exercise will help strengthen your arm muscles and biceps. Take the horizontal bar with a wide grip and hang yourself. Then slowly bend your arms upward, lifting your body towards the horizontal bar, and then slowly lower your body to the starting position. Complete 12 reps.

  1. Extension of arms on the horizontal bar

This exercise will help strengthen your arm muscles and triceps. Take the horizontal bar with a narrow grip and hang yourself. Then slowly straighten your arms, lowering your body, and then slowly raise your body to the starting position. Complete 12 reps.

  1. Shrugs with dumbbells

This exercise will help strengthen the muscles of your shoulders and upper back. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, stand straight and lower your arms down. Then slowly lift your shoulders up towards your ears, and then slowly lower your shoulders to the starting position. Complete 12 reps.

A set of these exercises will help you strengthen and shape your arm muscles, tighten your upper body and make your arms more toned and beautiful. Perform each exercise in 3 sets of 12 repetitions 2-3 times a week. Remember that proper nutrition is also an important element to achieve the desired results. Therefore, do not eat 2 hours before training, and 1-2 hours after training, be sure to eat proteins - lean meat or fish. By following this set of exercises and proper nutrition, you can form beautiful and toned arms in a short time.