Toxic infection Food

Foodborne illnesses are caused by a variety of foods that may contain toxins that cause a range of illnesses in humans and animals. In this context, foodborne diseases are among the most common and potentially dangerous foodborne problems. These diseases are divided into two categories: congenital and acquired. Congenital diseases include foodborne diseases such as viral hepatitis, typhoid fever, botulism, salmonellosis and shigellosis. Acquired ones are Khapgi disease, dixin, sodium iotide, aniline and chemicals, pesticides, etc.

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Foodborne illness is a serious disease that occurs as a result of eating contaminated food. It can manifest itself in the form of various symptoms and requires immediate treatment. In this article we will look at

Food poisoning (TOXIN-ACID SHOCK) is a form of food poisoning that manifests itself in the most severe and life-threatening phenomena. Toxic-chemical damage to the alimentary tract, developing as a result of exogenous exposure to toxins, either during their natural or artificial formation in the diet. It occurs in the form of food and non-food toxic infections. The first includes those toxoinfections whose source is the external environment, the second includes the natural microflora of the digestive system of humans and animals, one way or another associated with the consumption of poor-quality food products. The most common causes of toxic-chemical damage to food products are nitrates, nitrites, halogenated hydrocarbons, food pesticides, preservatives, antioxidants, dyes, heavy metal salts, dust, surfactants, and alcohol. Sometimes food can be toxic to itself.