Workouts at home

This part of our site is dedicated to home training. Having thoroughly mastered this topic, you will learn how to easily carry out training at home, which is an excellent help for subsequent more serious training in sports complexes, clubs and gyms. How to do it right train at home? What exercises to include in home training? How to achieve tangible results by training at home? How can you optimize your training? – we will cover these and all sorts of other questions in the articles of this section...

  1. What will bodybuilding and fitness classes give you?
  2. How to build muscles at home?
  3. Introduction
  4. How to diversify your training at home?
  5. Exercises with dumbbells.
  6. How to pump up triceps at home?
  7. Morning exercises and indoor training
  8. How to pump up your arms?
  9. When working in the gym, don’t forget about aerobic exercise at home!
  10. There is no money for the gym - we pump our arms with dumbbells.
  11. We answer the question: how is a hand expander useful?

What will bodybuilding and fitness classes give you?

Let's think about the question: what will bodybuilding and fitness classes give you?

Of course, the first thing that immediately comes to mind is that over time your body. But this is only at first glance - along with it the soul, And way of thinking. Determination and determination for action and energy presuppose your readiness not only physically, but also spiritually. Otherwise, sooner or later a breakdown will occur in your mechanism.

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How to build muscles at home?


In previous articles in this section we have already touched upon training outside the gym. We have already considered the following points:

  1. outdoor training,
  2. exercises with your own weight,
  3. exercises with improvised means,
  4. using light sports equipment such as dumbbells, weights and expanders.

The time has come to raise the bar significantly higher than the level we have set. Today we will dive even deeper into the topic of the issue “How to build muscles at home?”. Moreover, we will discuss not just easy amateur home training, like morning exercises... Today we will try to train at home, well, if not professionally, then as close to professional level as possible... Let's try to create small home gym, and swing with serious weights, doing real basic exercises...

How to diversify your training at home?

In this short review we will look at the most popular fitness equipment, widely used in everyday home workouts are dumbbells and kettlebells. Why do most indoor bodybuilding and fitness enthusiasts prefer these two types of sports equipment? I think the answer is obvious - they are simple, take up minimal space, are very economical - they are very inexpensive, but they are reliable, versatile and effective. In fact, this is exactly what you need for regular sports training at home. Let's look at the main types of these sports equipment, describe their advantages and functional features, and how to effectively carry out your training at home with their help...

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Exercises with dumbbells.

Dumbbells, like the barbell, are considered one of the most versatile fitness and bodybuilding equipment, due to which it is quite possible to pump up almost any muscle group in our body. Exercises with dumbbells are also good because they are accessible - they can be easily performed not only in the gym, but even at home. Another significant plus in the direction of dumbbells, especially for beginners, is the financial side of the issue. A dumbbell is probably the cheapest, but at the same time the most “angry” option of all the available sports equipment. All in all:

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How to pump up triceps at home?

No one will dare to doubt that with a pumped-up, strong triceps, the athlete’s arm looks like a cannon. For those who want to have beautiful and strong triceps, there are several options for working them out at home. Perhaps you decided to pump up the triceps muscle at home due to lack of time for the gym, or for other reasons, there is no need to be upset, because at home you can do it no less effectively than in the gym, but without wasting time going to the gym. We will tell you about the best home exercises for the shoulder extensor...

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Morning exercises and indoor training

It is known that with the help of even simple morning exercises, not to mention special training, you can not only improve your health, but also improve your physical qualities. This should not be forgotten, because many people do not have enough time to go to the stadium or gym. Others are embarrassed by their skinny muscles, and you can’t lure them into the gym with a roll. Still others simply don’t know how to approach training...

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How to pump up your arms?

Our arms are made up of four muscle groups: deltoid, triceps, biceps and forearm. For some they are less developed, for others they are well developed. Therefore, in order to pump up one part of the body well, you need to develop others, since our body is a system in which one muscle group interacts with many others.

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When working in the gym, don’t forget about aerobic exercise at home!

Even a beginner knows: if you want to lose weight, don’t aerobics not enough. This type of exercise is an exercise in which we force our body to consume more oxygen, moving blood faster through our body. This could be running, jumping rope, exercise on an exercise bike, a set of aerobic exercises on a disk, dancing - anything that makes us actively move and increases our heart rate. With the right approach to using aerobic exercise, you can significantly speed up the body's metabolism and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Experienced athletes include aerobic exercise in their training plan at least twice a week - in between “strength” days. This allows you to burn excess subcutaneous fat, giving your muscles definition. In the period before important competitions, the number of aerobic hours per week increases - for a more intense impact on subcutaneous fat, in order to significantly reduce its amount.

There is no money for the gym - we pump our arms with dumbbells.

Powerful, muscular arms are a difficult task, an ambitious goal set by oneself and which is achieved through hard work, willingness to overcome fatigue, pain, and sometimes laziness. To achieve the desired results, it is not enough just to study a lot and often - it is important to remember to be methodical, develop a program and implement it correctly. Work patiently and persistently. The result will definitely be there.

To achieve this goal, the fitness club has a huge arsenal of exercise equipment and equipment at your disposal. We will discuss only a part of them, namely: good old dumbbells.

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We answer the question: how is a hand expander useful?

To the question why a hand expander is so useful, the answer is simple - everyone. With this miniature exercise machine you can give a decent load to the anterior group of forearm muscles. After all, it is this group that is responsible for making our fingers clench and unclench. And the better these muscles are developed, the stronger the palm contracts.

Accordingly, if you are involved in any sport that involves heavy weights (bodybuilding, powerlifting, arm wrestling, weightlifting, etc.), you should be interested in a strong palm. Otherwise, all your training will simply lose its meaning - you will not be able to train with heavy equipment. Your palm will not be able to hold a heavy barbell, and the bar will constantly slip out of your hands. Not only is there little benefit from exercising with light weights, but it is also very easy to get injured. Imagine if you couldn't hold the barbell while bench pressing? This is why a hand expander is useful.

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