External signs of aging of the body

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Concepts of old age and aging

Science of old age and aging – gerontology – studies the normal process of human aging, its main manifestations and factors influencing the nature, pace and intensity of senile changes.

The basis of gerontology is biology of aging, however, the problem of aging is inherently complex: biomedical, psychological, anthropological, socio-economic. It was formed and continues to develop at the intersection of various fields of knowledge.

Also closely related to gerontology lifespan biology – the science of the mechanisms that determine the lifespan of organisms. It emerged as an independent scientific discipline at the beginning of the 20th century.

Aging is a fundamental property of complex multicellular organisms. The human aging process has attracted increased attention. However, there is still no precise definition. In its most general form it is “. a general designation for a group of phenomena that lead to a decrease in life expectancy with age” (Comfort, 1967).

According to the definition of Frolkis (1978), aging is a multi-link process that inevitably and naturally increases over time and leads to a reduction in the adaptive capabilities of the body and an increase in the likelihood of death.

The final stage of aging - old age – is the result of increasing functional deficiency due to internal and external influences to which a person was exposed during the process of his development and subsequent life. The following definition of old age is given: “Old age is a biopsychological and socio-historical concept with conditional and changing boundaries at different stages of the historical and evolutionary development of mankind and in various ecological, population and social groups” (Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1985).

With aging, the overall size, shape and composition of the body, the soft parts of the face and integument (skin and its derivatives) change.

Height.The reduction in body length with aging is associated primarily with the flattening of the intervertebral discs and an increase in stoop, that is, the development senile kyphosis – curvature of the thoracic spine.

The most pronounced increase in stoop after 65 years of age, but it can appear after 40 years of age, which is associated with individual characteristics of posture, depending on both the constitution of the individual and his lifestyle. It is believed that a decrease in height occurs after 60 years on average by 0.5–1 cm per five year.

Body mass. The mass also decreases from the period of maturity in old age and senility, and especially in centenarians. The age-related decrease in body weight in men is more pronounced than in women, except for centenarians, where the differences, however, are insignificant.

The amount of muscle tissue is greatest and relatively constant at the age of 20–30, then it begins to decline initially weakly and then increasingly, especially after 50 years.

Leather. Age-related skin changes usually begin after 40 years. They especially affect the structure of the upper (epidermal) layer, which becomes thinner and flattened. By the age of 80, its thickness is 25% less than at 30 years old.

Skin temperature decreases, especially in long-livers. This is explained by a general decrease in metabolic processes, but is partly due to a deterioration in blood supply and changes in the sweat glands. Due to a decrease in their number, the excretory function of the skin is weakened.

The hairline also undergoes significant changes. Starting from the age of 30, the amount of hair decreases and it turns grey, as the cells of the hair follicles lose their ability to form pigment. Although hair growth declines, it is not uncommon for older women to develop facial hair.

Date added: 2014-12-17; Views: 3315; Copyright infringement? ;

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Aging is a natural process, we will all get old sooner or later, but we still desperately want to avoid old age for as long as possible. After all, what do we associate old age with? Weakness, ugliness, vegetation, illness, loneliness... And this list goes on... Although sometimes there are certain people who, even in old age, look great and feel invigorated.

What is this? Genetics? Healthy lifestyle? Proper nutrition? A reasonable attitude towards inevitable stress?

According to psychological research, it has been recognized that signs of early aging and disease are the consequences of a person does not heal himself.

From the embryonic period the brain forms a program for life and health, it encodes all inherited diseases and current ones (arising during life) for their control during recovery by its internal mechanisms.

However, the possibility of this depends only on the person himself. If he carelessly exploits his body and does not think about the fact that the body is a complex bioenergetic system, which is extremely sensitive to shortcomings in biological life support, then old age and helplessness with diseases will come much earlier.

What a person must be provided with for an active and fulfilling existence:

a) not only instinctive needs (food, water and others), but also the provision of biologically important components (oxygen, energy, electricity and many others);

b) a person needs constant control of the body, because the body is a strict system, without control it becomes uncontrollable (disorganized);

c) in the constant activation of mechanisms designed for self-healing and control (self-diagnosis), in order to constantly detect foci of disease and eliminate them, as well as cleanse the body of toxins and toxic substances.

Signs of early aging

If this is not done, then the body begins to work abnormally - wear and tear, various diseases are formed that can be seen on the iris of the eyes, and early signs of aging (organic damage), withering, and exhaustion appear:

  1. Increased exhaustion (chronic fatigue), not associated with physical activity and not disappearing after rest or sleep.
  2. Decreased physical activity, performance and professional activity with apathy and decreased self-esteem.
  3. Reduced ability to adapt (adapt), overcome life’s difficulties, and the inability to change the “familiar nest.”
  4. Sharpening (strengthening) of characterological characteristics with an increase in selfishness, paranoia, and paranoia.
  5. The desire for solitude (withdrawal), or jealousy in the sphere of interpersonal relationships (marital, domestic), recalling past “grievances” or suspicions, sometimes a tendency to conflicts, disinhibition.
  6. The emergence of a tendency towards greed, prudence, and pettiness.
  7. Decreased memory for recent events with retention for distant ones (forgetfulness, absent-mindedness), difficulty concentrating.
  8. Mood instability with increased irritability and tearfulness.
  9. Persistent sleep disturbance (due to oxygen starvation and energy deficiency).
  10. Decreased sexual desire.
  11. Early menopause, menstrual irregularities, menstrual syndrome.
  12. Hearing loss (tympanic membrane sclerosis, atrophy of the auditory nerves, tinnitus, or ringing).
  13. Decreased vision (optic nerve atrophy and other pathologies).
  14. Weakness of the sphincters, especially the bladder, urinary incontinence, especially in the elderly.
  15. Tired, dull eyes, iris starting to lose color.

Externally visible signs of early aging

1. Changes in the skin of the whole body, but especially the face:

a) pallor of varying degrees of severity: matte, with a gray-earthy tint, icteric color, cyanotic, dark and others.

2. Skin aging: deep wrinkles, peeling, age spots or general pigmentation, warts.

4. Skin of the “problem” type (hypersensitivity, irritability, itching, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis) – as a result of chronic internal intoxication.

5. Thinning of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with loss of elasticity, sagging skin.

6. Sweating skin with increased odor.

7. Changing appearance (figure, body shape) due to:

  1. a) tonic tension of the muscles of the whole body, but especially the spine and chest (muscle armor);
  2. b) hormonal shift;
  3. c) metabolic disorders;
  4. d) oxygen starvation and other disorders.

As a result of such tonic muscle tension, the spine is deformed (changes its shape with an increase in stoop and other dysplasticity with the possible formation of hernias and pinched roots with pain, the chest is compressed, which causes a slowdown in breathing. The body takes on a dysplastic shape with an uneven distribution of fat deposits, and also changes gait.

8. Increase in body weight due to:

  1. a) increased body fat (decreased metabolism);
  2. b) an increase in the amount of tissue fluid (decreased respiration, weakened venous and alveolar blood flow, oxygen starvation, slagging of the lungs, vasoconstriction and other reasons).

9. Increased tendency to acute and chronic inflammatory processes due to decreased immunity, reactivity and resistance (colds, chronic runny nose, tonsillitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, in women - gynecological problems, endocrinological and others).

10. Increased chilliness (chills), poor tolerance to low temperatures, increased weather dependence - due to energy deficiency.

11. “Restless legs” syndrome, which includes a complex of symptoms: tonic tension of the leg muscles with convulsive twitching, unpleasant sensations (hyperesthesia, burning), increased sensitivity, legs as if they cannot find a place for themselves, the desire to change their position while lying or sleeping, and also – muscle weakness during physical activity.

12. Oral cavity: dryness, pallor of the mucous membrane, the tongue is covered with a white, dirty gray coating, or swollen with mucus, atrophy, cracks. Smoothness of folds, often with signs of candidiasis.

13. Signs of loose teeth, periodontal disease, bleeding and decreased gum volume are common.

14. Loss of hair pigmentation, graying, baldness.

15. General muscle atrophy, 10% for every 10 years lived, the body also becomes more flabby.

16. Blood circulation worsens - congestion, swelling, minor hemorrhages, and spider veins appear.

Types of aging of face and neck skin

  1. 1 type of aging - "Tired Face"
    The most common type of facial aging is the so-called “fatigue type” - when, due to age-related changes, as well as due to the effects of gravity, our face seems to “float” down. The corners of the lips and eyes droop, the shape of the cheeks and cheekbones is lost - in other words, the elasticity of the soft tissues of the face decreases.
  2. Type 2 aging "Wrinkled face»
    This type of age-related skin changes is most typical for early (premature) aging (up to thirty years). By the way, if the skin begins to age before the age of 30, this is premature aging, and if after 50, then it is natural.
  3. Type 3 aging "Deformed face»
    This type of skin aging is characterized by pronounced deformations of the face and neck - double chin, sagging cheeks, bags under the eyes, a large fold of fat at the back of the neck, etc.
  4. 4 type of aging "Combined»
    Almost all people who age naturally belong to this type. This type combines various signs of skin aging.
  5. 5th type of aging "Muscular»
    With this type of aging, muscles appear sharply on the face. This type of facial skin withering is extremely rare in the Caucasian race - it is more typical for Mongoloids.

The main causes of wrinkles

In this case, we will only talk about premature degradation changes in the skin.

In the first place is congenital predisposition, as well as improper functioning of the endocrine glands. To prevent such a scenario (and it can and should be prevented), you need to carefully monitor your diet, sleep and physical activity, as well as maintain a proper drinking regime.

Often, women themselves contribute to the appearance of premature wrinkles. Excessive enthusiasm for applying and removing cosmetics (especially if the quality of this cosmetics is far from ideal), addiction to diets or ultraviolet radiation, excessive obesity, systematic overwork, the absence of some teeth (this factor can lead to sunken cheeks and the appearance of wrinkles), smoking, consumption caffeinated and alcoholic drinks - all these factors are not reflected in the best way on our face.

Often young girls irreversibly damage their skin by using whitening, exfoliating cosmetics that are unsuitable for their skin type. Dry powder, toilet soap, frequent use of scrubs, alcohol lotions or vodka tinctures can be a serious cause of premature wrinkles. And one more thing: the weaker the facial muscles, the sooner wrinkles appear. This means that if we do not strengthen these muscles, we will age prematurely.

Is there a secret to rejuvenating apples?

Scientific and technological progress in the beauty industry can, with a decent infusion of material and time resources, help a person look younger. But these are mainly cosmetic procedures, plastic surgeries, but no one has found the secret of rejuvenating apples.

Of course, from time to time miracle panaceas appear that, according to advertising brochures, can rejuvenate the skin and other organs, we fall for it, fall for marketing ploys over and over again, still continuing to hope that a unique anti-aging remedy will definitely be found.

Although, if you look at it, it’s worth first of all learn to accept the inevitability of aging, carrying out events in parallel for self-improvement in a complex. Otherwise, there are a lot of women who are actively struggling with wrinkles, gray hair, and dry skin, but they still pay little attention to their diet, physical activity, and timely seeking help from specialists.

And for those who still want to feel good at an advanced age, even with wrinkles on their face, I will give some advice...

In old age, a person's appearance usually changes. Growth decreases due to a decrease in the elasticity of intervertebral and articular cartilage, and in most cases weight decreases. Movements become slow and cautious. As A. S. Pushkin noted with the keen poetic eye, “old age walks carefully.” The gait of old people becomes less elastic, shuffling, the length of the step decreases on average from 71 to 63 cm. Posture changes: many can no longer hold their heads straight and high, and are hunched over. Bones become thinner, joint mobility decreases.

The volume of the muscles gradually decreases, and as a result, the legs and arms lose weight. In a 30-year-old man, muscles make up 43% of the total body weight, but in old age only 25%. The muscle fibers shorten and their number decreases, and due to this, the tendon fibers grow. As a result, the muscles become shorter and the tendons become longer. Adipose tissue also grows, and fat is deposited mainly on the stomach and back of the head. Wrinkles appear on the skin of the face and neck, especially on the forehead, around the eyes and mouth. Hair turns gray and falls out, teeth turn yellow and wear out.

Modern doctors divide external signs of aging into obligatory and possible. Mandatory symptoms include: decreased elasticity of soft tissues, dryness and thinning of the skin, its wrinkling, senile deformation. Not everyone experiences possible signs of aging. These include: swelling and pastiness of the skin around the eyes, skin porosity, telangiectasia, rosacea, stellate angiomas, hypertrichosis, hirsutism, keratomas, papillomas, senile warts, spots, xanthelasmas.

The appearance of these well-known external signs of aging is associated with changes in the composition and structure of tissues and organs, with changes in the vital activity of the aging organism.