Hardening the body with water, sun and air

It has long been known that systematic implementation of hardening activities has a beneficial effect on our body: it increases its resistance to various infections, strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism, increases efficiency, etc. Depending on the nature of the external influence, there are three main components healing hardening effect on the human body:

  1. Hardening with water,
  2. Air hardening,
  3. Sun hardening.
  1. Air hardening
  2. Water hardening
  3. Sun hardening
When hardening, the following rules should be observed:
  1. Graduality in changing the conditions and duration of activities and in their dosage. The first air baths and water procedures should be carried out in warm conditions, subsequent ones - with a gradual, stepwise, smooth decrease in air and water temperature.
  2. Systematicity. Hardening activities and water procedures should be regular, day after day, as well as strength training in fitness and bodybuilding.
  3. Sleep with the window open, avoid overheating.
  4. Accustom the body to systematic exposure not to one cold stimulus, but to successive temperatures of varying intensity.
  5. A variety of hardening agents. Long-term use of just one stimulus for hardening purposes significantly increases the body's resistance to that stimulus alone. Therefore, it is necessary to include the systematic application of both cold and heat stimuli of varying intensity, using air, water and solar procedures.

Hardening training should be carried out with full consideration of individual characteristics and health status, with self-control and medical supervision.

Next, we will consider in more detail the main types of hardening:

Air hardening

The influence of air on physiological processes comes down to training the heat-regulating apparatus, enhancing metabolism, strengthening the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

The degree of exposure to air depends on a combination of its physical properties:

  1. a) temperature,
  2. b) humidity,
  3. c) speed of movement.

The hardening effect is achieved when the air temperature differs significantly from the skin temperature.

The first air baths should be taken at a temperature of 20-26°, then at a lower temperature - 14-20° and cold - 14-0°. The place where they are received should, if possible, be protected from immediate direct exposure to sunlight.

When using aerial hardening training, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The duration of the bath is determined by how you feel; if chills appear, it should be stopped.
  2. Before the bath, you need a light warm-up, rubbing your arms and torso.
  3. Air baths are good to combine with a set of daily exercises and walking.
  4. It is not recommended to take baths earlier than one and a half/two hours after eating.

People who are tempered by air for a long time can take baths even at extremely low temperatures - below 0° for 15-20 minutes.

Water hardening

By temperature effects water procedures are divided into:

  1. hot with water temperature above 40°,
  2. warm - 32-40°,
  3. lukewarm - 24-32°,
  4. cool - 16-24°
  5. and cold - below 16°.

Hardening the body with water includes:

  1. rubbing,
  2. dousing,
  3. shower,
  4. bathing.

Rubdown - the simplest and most accessible method of water procedure is performed with a wet towel or sponge. After this, wipe dry with a terry towel.

At dousing water should flow throughout the body. After the procedure, wipe dry.

Shower has a strong beneficial effect on the body. Afterwards, you should also dry yourself thoroughly.

Bathing very useful in open waters. The procedure not only hardens, but also develops strength and endurance.

When hardening with water you should remember:
  1. Procedures should be started with warm water and constantly lower its temperature. A healthy person can start rubbing at 20-22°, reducing the temperature by approximately 1-2° in steps of 2-3 days. When the water temperature is brought to room temperature, you can proceed to douches and showers.
  2. The best period to begin the complex water hardening process is summer.
  3. Water treatments are not recommended immediately after intense work with sweaty skin.
  4. The duration of the procedure is 2-3 minutes.
  5. After the procedure, you must thoroughly dry and rub large muscle groups with a towel.

Solar radiation in a moderate dose has a positive effect on various physiological processes in the body: it helps improve the functioning of the heat-regulating apparatus, strengthens the skin, enhances the activity of the hematopoietic organs, and improves metabolism. The main biological effect is caused predominantly by ultraviolet rays.

It is better to take dosed sunbathing with your head covered. The optimal time for this procedure is the first half of the day, in the range from 8 to 12 hours.

You should not sunbathe less than one and a half/two hours before eating and the same time after it. The dosage of the bath is individual. It depends on the state of health, age, dose of solar energy and radiation and is determined by the doctor.

Excessive use of solar radiation is harmful to the body and can cause sunburn or stroke.

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