Standing press

Standing press - is a basic exercise and is focused on the development of the anterior and middle head of the deltoid muscle. An alternative to this exercise is the seated press, as well as the Smith machine. The latter option provides a more severe and concentrated effect on the deltas.

  1. How to perform a standing press?
  2. Scheme of the variant: “standing from behind the head”
  3. Scheme of the variant: “standing with dumbbells”

How to perform a standing press?

  1. Don't forget about safety. A weightlifting belt, hard-soled shoes, chalk, and chalk are essential accessories for this exercise.

Starting position - from the chest or from the shoulders (from behind the head). Performed with a barbell, dumbbells simultaneously or alternately. Perform a barbell raise or lift off the rack. Balance the barbell on your chest or shoulders (behind your head). As you exhale, press the barbell up. As you inhale, lower down.

Keep in mind: The exercise is much more difficult than the Seated Press, since here you have to maintain your balance in an upright position with a large weight. Clarity and coordination are important. The possibility of injury or dropping the projectile is also much greater - remember this!

Carrying out standing press, try to do it cleanly - without using cheating:

  1. deviation of the body to the side,
  2. rocking,
  3. sharp jerk
  4. sit-ups,
  5. help with legs,
  6. back help.

Scheme of the variant: “standing from behind the head”

Scheme of the variant: “standing with dumbbells”

If you think that this exercise is exclusively for men, then watch this video clip. Combine business and pleasure: remember the correct technique once again and admire the pretty girl:


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