Fight free radicals

There are few people in modern society who have never heard anything about free radicals and antioxidants. From various sources of information (health programs, articles and books), we increasingly hear about the negative effects of various substances on our body and ways to eliminate them. We are receiving more and more knowledge and information about the effect of harmful compounds on our health, but at the same time we do not want to change our lifestyle and provide all possible assistance to our own body in the fight for good health. Many people know that free radicals affect the acceleration of the aging process of the body, its withering, and disruption of internal processes. But few people have gone deep enough into this issue and have a complete understanding of all the dangers of using and having such compounds in the body.

Bringing clarity and studying the issues of consumption and effects on the body of antioxidants, as well as studying their purpose and effect on neutralizing radicals and restoring the normal state of our body, many have probably heard that these substances are directly related to the aging process. But few people know exactly how this happens and for what reason. And what needs to be done to neutralize such a negative impact on a person. To do this, it is necessary to delve deeper into the concept of free radicals and find out exactly how they enter our body and what effect they have on it.

What are free radicals

Free radicals in the human body are active molecules that have free space for an electron in their structure. Electrons are attracted to this void and are taken away from other molecules. When this happens, it becomes harmless to the body, but it is this process of stripping electrons from healthy cells that causes the harm they cause. The action of free radicals occurs with each such interaction. A healthy molecule deprived of its electron also becomes a free radical, and this chain of events repeats. In these processes, strong oxidative processes occur that cause stress in the body. Free radical reactions are destructive for every cell and the entire organism as a whole.

A certain amount of free radicals is constantly present in our body and is necessary for it to cope with the influence of harmful microorganisms. But almost always their numbers exceed all norms. With the deterioration of the ecological situation and the state of the environment, the number of such free radicals increases tenfold in our bodies, causing irreparable damage to health.

Formation of radicals in the body

To understand the principle of the formation of free radicals, it is enough to draw an analogy with an industrial enterprise in comparison with the human body. To obtain results or extract energy, production consumes certain resources, which, after carrying out the necessary processing processes, give us the desired energy or products, but at the same time leaving by-products that can poison the environment.

Similarly, in the human body, when consuming food and air from the outside, the energy we need is generated and oxygen is consumed, but at the same time free radicals are formed in the body, which are by-products of vital processes. They are always very unstable molecules, missing one or more electrons. They become aggressive and negatively affect the internal state of the body. The formation of free radicals is inevitable, and the challenge is to effectively neutralize them.

Damage to health

What kind of harm do free radicals cause to humans? When freely moving, they can cause various diseases in the body, and the formation of cancer directly depends on the large amount of their content. Today it is known that the role of free radicals in the formation of cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and rapid aging of the body is very direct.

This effect is most pronounced on human skin. They affect the collagen cells that make up the framework of the skin and provide it with elasticity, causing the appearance of numerous wrinkles and general aging. Another negative factor affecting humans is damage and disruption of healthy immunity. As a result, the body ceases to resist the harmful effects of the environment and incoming infections both from the outside and from the inside. In this case, the older the age, the greater the risk of serious diseases associated with the presence of free radicals in the body, since with the return of the immune system is significantly weakened, and their impact prevents the restoration of protective systems, preventing them from coping with their functions.

Continuing to enter the body, they lead to more and more disruptions in work, and also lead to the appearance of many diseases and pathologies. Another signs of rapid aging of the body caused by free radicals are weakening of the human muscles and skeleton, loss of elasticity of all skin, weakening of the organs of hearing and vision, as well as significant disturbances in mental processes occurring in human systems.

Regular attacks of oxidizing agents on the cells of our body weaken and deplete their own reserves of energy and nutrients. In this case, the cell collapses and dies. It is when the molecule is no longer able to resist that it surrenders under the influence of a free radical and, penetrating into its shell, it reaches the DNA strand, causing irreversible changes that ultimately lead to the formation of a cancer cell.

Neutralization of negative impact

Antioxidants are designed to help our body fight free radicals. What it is? These are substances that have a unique ability to neutralize and remove free radicals. They completely block oxidative processes, neutralizing their effects on the body. This effect occurs due to the fact that antioxidants donate their electron to the free radical, neutralizing its effects. But the circle does not close there. Of course, in this case, the antioxidants themselves also become free radicals, but they are so weak that they do not harm our body.

How to remove free radicals from the body? We eat healthy foods. These substances are very well known and widespread, and their use can become a lifeline in the fight against harmful radicals. These substances include vitamin E, A, K, as well as the trace element selenium, amino acids, and extracts of some plants such as pine, cedar and sea buckthorn. The main sources of antioxidants in the human body are food products of plant origin. Such products include fruits, herbs, vegetables, cocoa, tea and others. In addition to the necessary antioxidants, these products also contain a range of vitamins and minerals that are vital for our body and participate in the biological processes of life.

What do antioxidants contain?

Entering our body with food, antioxidants come to the rescue in the fight against free radicals, and also provide valuable nutrition for the cells of the human body. Substances such as vitamin E, vitamin C, carotenoids, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc are antioxidants. What it is? This is a group of minerals and vitamins commonly found in foods. These substances are able to neutralize negative reactions and restore normal balance in the human body. A large number of antioxidants are found in fresh fruits such as grapes, pomegranates, and prunes that are not cooked. Vegetables include tomatoes, beets, pumpkin, cabbage, and carrots. Rich in antioxidants and berries such as blueberries, currants, cranberries. Among the drinks, green tea, red wine, and cocoa are very popular. Nuts of all types are record holders for the amount of antioxidants they contain. The set of compounds and microelements they contain removes free radicals from the body. Among the seasonings one can highlight cloves, turmeric, and cinnamon, which are highly valued for these properties in many cultures where traditional medicine is practiced.

Sources of free radicals

In our body there is a constant battle between oxidants and antioxidants. Free radicals are mostly formed when the cells of our body burn oxygen. It is these compounds that are most dangerous to the body and can cause irreversible harm to health. When electrons are taken from fat or protein cells, a chain reaction of the formation of new multiple free radicals is started. A snowball effect occurs. Free radicals can enter the body from the outside through the consumption of certain foods. These foods include smoked, fried and canned foods. The more processing a food undergoes, the greater the concentration of toxins and radicals it contains.

Alternative sources of radicals entering the body

Free radicals are also formed in the human body under the influence of ultraviolet irradiation, especially long-term exposure, radiation fields, consumption or inhalation of pesticides and chemical compounds, consumption of alcohol and tobacco.

An important role in the formation of free radicals is played by the presence of regular stress, poor quality and poor nutrition, and a weakened immune system as a result of past illness. Thus the circle is closed. Due to the loss of immunity, a person releases more free radicals, causing irreparable damage to health, while these substances reduce the body's ability to resist their formation. Regular consumption of large amounts of substances that are antioxidants can correct the situation. Free radicals are formed at a lower rate and have less negative effects on the body. Antioxidants are able to remove a significant part of harmful substances, bringing the body’s balance in order.

Free radicals and antioxidants

In order to enhance the effect of antioxidants neutralizing free radicals, it is necessary to ensure the supply of oxygen and water to the body in sufficient quantities. Under such conditions, the neutralization of harmful compounds and the consequences of cell damage are minimized. Using the same scheme, in parallel with cleansing, these antioxidants help remove toxins from the body. Our cells themselves are capable of producing antioxidants, but if a person’s lifestyle increases the chances of the formation of radicals, then this amount is not enough and we have to resort to using antioxidants from the outside.

Consumption of antioxidants in food

Returning to the issue of consuming antioxidants from food, it is necessary to consider each group in more detail and detail:

  1. Vitamin C is one of the most powerful antioxidants, which is found in almost all products of plant origin, but its highest concentration is found in kiwi, red and green bell peppers, oranges, grapefruits, all citrus fruits, cabbage, broccoli, melons, tomatoes, papaya .
  2. Vitamin E is found in its most concentrated form in vegetable oils. These include: olive, sunflower, sea buckthorn and corn oil, as well as a huge concentration of this vitamin is found in almonds, sprouted wheat grains and all types of nuts.
  3. Vitamin A. Its content can be easily determined by the intensely colored green, yellow and orange vegetables and fruits. Which foods include: pumpkin, carrots, melon, mango, papaya, apricot, pepper, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, turnip.
  4. A group of B vitamins, easily soluble in water and helping to restore cellular metabolism, as well as promoting the formation of new healthy cells. It has the ability to maintain muscles and keep a person in good condition, and also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and improves the general condition of the body, increasing its immunity. They are key in the fight against depression and cardiovascular diseases.

A good alternative to consuming vegetables and fruits is fresh prepared juices. The best option for making them would be to use black currants, cranberries, and pomegranates. Apple juice, especially prepared from winter varieties, is most effective in the fight against free radicals. Canning juice reduces the effectiveness of its effects by 2 to 6 times.

In winter, garlic, onions, celery, parsley, beets, and potatoes help cope with free radicals. Slightly less active, but still very useful, are foods such as carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, and zucchini. Among drinks, grape wines have proven themselves well, exhibiting very high antioxidant activity, which is most pronounced in red, rose and white wines. Cahors does not belong to this category. It is advisable to actively use plants that stimulate the strengthening of the immune system. Such products are called immunomodulators. These include aloe, anise, calendula, licorice, wormwood, viburnum, clover, soybean, basil, arnica, clover, nettle, birch, thyme, onions, horsetail, elderberry, coltsfoot, ginger, sage, string, lungwort. Any of these plants can be purchased at the market or pharmacy, and they are also affordable.

Signs of negative impact

The first signs that affect a person are the appearance of rapid fatigue, disturbances in sleep patterns, easy susceptibility to stressful conditions, impaired concentration, and memory deterioration. If one of these signs or a combination of them is observed, it means that free radicals in the human body exceed acceptable limits and it is necessary to urgently take action and eat foods that are antioxidants, as well as take tinctures and decoctions of plants that can remove free radicals from the body. The most famous and effective remedy in the fight against free radicals is drinking green tea. Scientists have found that green tea from bags is more effective than brewing loose leaf tea. Such healthy drinks also include granulated coffee, which is not much inferior in its effectiveness to green tea.

In winter, you should not give up eating salads. The lack of fresh vegetables and fruits can easily be made up by a wide range of winter products. At the same time, it is necessary to make maximum use of the opportunity to consume them raw, without subjecting them to heat treatment, during which a significant amount of vitamins evaporates, and therefore the value of the food consumed also decreases.

Especially in winter and spring, it is necessary to obtain sufficient amounts of antioxidants with food. Eating a large number of salads made from winter vegetables and fruits, as well as the first greens available for sale, will make up for the deficiency. Already in late spring and early summer, it is necessary to fill your diet as much as possible with various greens and fresh vegetables collected from the new harvest. Do not forget to consume as many berries and fruits as possible, and also additionally include in your daily diet the use of vitamin complexes and supplements that will enhance the effect and rid the body of the negative effects of free radicals.

Each of us has antioxidants and free radicals in our bodies. Some of the antioxidants are produced by our body, while others must be obtained through foods rich in them. Our body also produces free radicals - a side effect of the metabolic process that occurs in cells. For example, the liver produces and uses them to detoxify the body, while white blood cells send out free radicals that destroy bacteria, viruses and damaged cells.

When oxygen molecules move freely throughout our body, they cause oxidative damage. This is the harmful effect of free radicals on our body. When levels of natural antioxidants are low, often caused by poor diet, they wreak havoc.
Effect? Accelerated aging, cell damage and mutations, broken tissues, activation of harmful genes in DNA, and an overloaded immune system.

Modern life and nutrition, saturated with toxins, exhaust gases and other environmental pollutants that enter not only the air, but also food, as well as the consumption of products from the modern food industry. All this has created favorable conditions for the proliferation of free radicals in our bodies. Many of us have been exposed to antioxidant deficiencies since childhood. But this is the age when our body needs them most.

What are Antioxidants? What are they needed for?

Antioxidants - These are substances that interfere with the oxidation process. They can be natural waste products or enter the body with food. Their task is to remove potentially dangerous oxidizing agents in a living organism.
Antioxidants include dozens of substances such as carotenoids such as beta-carotene, lycopene and vitamin C. These are just a few examples of antioxidants that slow down oxidation. Studies have shown that without the use of antioxidant substances, there may be no talk of longevity in principle. The advantages of using them are:

  1. Slows down aging and degradation of organs, including skin, eyes, muscle tissue, joints and brain
  2. Prevent cancer
  3. Improves cleansing of toxins from the body
  4. Increases lifespan
  5. Protects against stroke and heart attack
  6. Reduce the risk of vision loss and eye problems, including those due to cataracts
  7. Reducing the likelihood of developing age-related dementia

What effect do antioxidants have? Fighting free radicals in the body

Foods containing antioxidants, such as herbs, fruits, spices, teas, reduce the effects of free radicals on the body, protecting against oxidative damage, which plays an important role in the formation of any disease. Most of the most common health problems, including cancer, dementia, and heart muscle problems, are all related to the oxidation and inflammation of organic substances in the cell. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals. In turn, they lead to cell damage.

History of discovery

It is not known who exactly owned the discovery of antioxidants. The first mentions can be found in the literature of the early 19th century. Each antioxidant has its own discovery story.

Like vitamins, some of them were discovered by doctors who were trying to determine the relationship between animal consumption of whole foods and life expectancy.
The level of antioxidants in any substance is assessed using the ORAC scale (an indicator of the ability of antioxidants to absorb free radicals).
It shows the ability of a certain substance to protect the body from the effects of free radicals, that is, it shows the strength of the antioxidant property of the substance.

In addition, fruits and vegetables containing antioxidants include many other beneficial substances, such as vitamins and minerals. For example, vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, flavonoids and lycopene. There is currently no established daily intake of antioxidants for humans, although, simply put, the more you eat, the better it is for you.

List of Good Sources of Antioxidants

Adding good antioxidants to your diet may be easier than you think. Below is a list of antioxidant-rich foods according to the ORAC scale.
By consuming them you will increase your ability to resist the effects of free radicals.
1. Goji berries: 25,000
2. Wild blueberries: 14,000
3. Dark chocolate: 21,000
4. Pecan (nut): 17,000
5. Artichoke: 9,400
6. Elderberry: 14,000
7. Beans: 8,400
8. Lingonberry: 9,500
9. Blackberries: 5,300
10. Cilantro: 5,100

We do not focus on products that are common on any table, such as:

  1. tomatoes
  2. pumpkin
  3. carrot
  4. potatoes (preferably sweet)
  5. strawberry
  6. pomegranate
  7. grapes and their derivatives (including red wine)
  8. salmon fish species

You should supplement your diet with these natural antioxidants on a regular basis. Your body will thank you!


In addition to the fact that quite powerful antioxidants are found in vegetables, fruits and fish, some spices and herbs also contain oils that have the same healing effect. Eat them fresh or add them to your cooking. The essential oils in these herbs and spices are valuable. They have a healing effect and protect against diseases.
List of herbs rich in plant antioxidants:

  1. Carnation
  2. Cinnamon
  3. Oregano
  4. Turmeric
  5. Cocoa
  6. Tminm
  7. Parsley (dried)
  8. Basil
  9. Ginger
  10. Thyme

Garlic, hot peppers and green tea are also considered very healthy.
Try to use them as often as possible!

The best way to get these nutrients is to try to eat whole, unprocessed foods. For example, the benefits of white and brown rice are very different. Brown varieties are considered healthier because they contain bran, rich in fiber and other elements.
Overall, by eating natural foods, you will receive the optimal amount of antioxidants to protect your organs. They have powerful effects on muscles, bones, skin and eyes.

What antioxidants are there? Table of the most common antioxidants


It is an important antioxidant in our body. Found inside cells and helps enhance the effects of other antioxidants and vitamins. Consists of three amino acids. Participates in processes using protein, creating enzymes, detoxification, and digestion. It is also known for destroying cancer cells.


Contained in berries and greens. It is an anti-inflammatory agent and is also involved in the treatment of diseases, including heart and vascular diseases, allergies, infections, and autoimmune diseases such as arthritis. Helps in overcoming chronic fatigue.


Very useful for the functioning of the eyes, skin, arteries, heart. Contained in many products necessary to boost immunity. Some observations have shown that people who had lutein in their diet were less likely to develop various types of cancer, including breast, colon and lung.
Vitamin C

Famous immunity booster and protecting the body from external pathogens. Helps protect against flu, colds, sore throats, and also has a positive effect on the condition of your skin and eyes.


This microelement is widely distributed in nature. It is found in soil and water, which affects food, especially vegetables and fruits. Fights viruses and also protects your circulatory system.


A substance found in grapes and cocoa, as well as in various varieties of berries, such as lingonberries, blueberries and mulberries. olyphonic bioflavonoid is an antioxidant and helps protect you from stress, the effects of injury, infections and fungi. Protects the heart and arteries.

Lavender essential oil

Lavender oil helps your body produce a range of important antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione and catalase. In addition, it has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.


Very beneficial, protects against cancer and helps in detoxification. Blocks the action of carcinogens and protects DNA from damage. Found in green leafy vegetables and herbs.

Frankincense essential oil

It has been shown to be effective in treating various types of cancer in clinical trials. Affects the process of cell and gene regulation, thereby accelerating healing.


Astaxanthin is found in seafood and fish, such as salmon and shrimp. It increases energy levels, reduces age spots, and keeps joints healthy. It is also believed to help overcome the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

The more discoveries happen in the beauty industry, the better we, cosmetics users, must understand scientific terms. At least to appreciate the innovative formulas of creams and understand what important work they do for our skin. Let's start with free radicals.

  1. What are free radicals
  2. Action of free radicals
  3. Free radicals in the human body
  4. How to fight free radicals in the body
  5. Free radicals and antioxidants
  6. How to protect yourself from free radicals
  7. Review of Antioxidant Products

What are free radicals

When we talk about free radicals, we most often mean oxygen molecules with an unpaired electron. They are very active (they are also called active oxygen) and tend to take the missing electron from any other molecule, which as a result itself becomes a free radical.

The appearance of free radicals is provoked by:

  1. atmospheric pollution;
  2. excess ultraviolet radiation;
  3. radiation;
  4. smoking (and passive smoking too);
  5. medications;
  6. stress.

It is clear that it is almost impossible to hide from free radicals; you can only minimize interaction with them.

In short: almost any foreign action or phenomenon that disrupts the balance of the internal system becomes a source of free radicals for a living organism.

Action of free radicals

The main damaging effect of free radicals is oxidative stress (oxidative stress, oxidation, oxidation). The free radical theory is considered one of the main theories of aging. And it's hard to argue with her.

Over the course of a lifetime, a person pumps approximately 17 tons of oxygen through himself—about one and a half tons of free radicals are formed. Metals rust from such exposure, not to mention the fragile human body.

Free radicals in the human body

It is clear that natural chemical processes constantly occur in our body, including oxidation, in which free radicals participate. This is the norm and part of life.

Moreover, in moderate doses, which we receive from clean air, we need free radicals - in particular, they are involved in ensuring the cognitive functions of the brain (memory, attention, psychomotor coordination, speech, thinking, orientation, etc.).

The problem is their excess. On the one hand, we receive them from the outside:

  1. inhale;
  2. swallowed with food and drinks.

Free radicals on the skin:

  1. oxidize sebum in the pores, which contributes to the appearance of blackheads;
  2. destroy the hydrolipid barrier of the skin, causing dryness, inflammation, and aging.

On the other hand, our body, especially under stress, itself becomes a factory for the production of free radicals. The half-lives of many hormones (both stress hormones and female steroids) are the same toxins (along with chemicals from medications or food) that cause the formation of free radicals, which are, strictly speaking, designed to destroy these toxins.

  1. the more toxins - the more free radicals;
  2. the more free radicals - the more intense the oxidative stress;
  3. the more intense oxidative stress (oxidation processes in the body) - the worse a person feels and looks.

By the way, it is lipids that are most easily oxidized - the fats that make up the membranes of almost all human cells, starting with skin cells, which are the first to stand in the way of free radicals.

In moderate doses, which we easily obtain from clean air, we need free radicals - in particular, they ensure the cognitive function of the brain. © iStock

How to fight free radicals in the body

Ideally, you need to move to a utopian world where life is possible:

  1. without stress;
  2. in an environmentally friendly environment;
  3. with regular physical activity;
  4. with a diet dominated by unrefined, natural products that undergo minimal heat treatment;
  5. without chemicals and harmful radiation.

Keep in mind: gadgets are a source of electromagnetic radiation, and polluted air is a source of free radicals.

It is impossible to get rid of free radicals in the body, and there is no need to. They must carry out their destructive work aimed at destroying (oxidizing) harmful substances and microorganisms, thereby protecting us from them.

Since free radicals have strictly defined functions in the body, nature has provided protection against their excessive activity - antioxidation.

Its natural level is designed to cope with natural oxidative stress. But human antioxidant defense is not designed for oxidative stress, which is greatly increased by civilization. Therefore, modern man needs additional antioxidants.

Keep in mind: radiation from gadgets is also a source of charged particles. © iStock

Free radicals and antioxidants

So, free radicals are oxidizing agents, oxidants. The antidote for them is antioxidants. You will be surprised, but this word first appeared in the Russian language: the term “antioxidants” was used in one of the scientific institutes in Moscow at the turn of the 1960s and 70s.

Antioxidants neutralize the activity of free radicals by binding them. This system helps cells protect themselves from oxidation and makes them less vulnerable. The main antioxidants that laid the foundation for this category of substances are some enzymes (coenzyme Q10), vitamins A, C and E. Hormones also have an antioxidant effect - for example, melatonin.

In addition to the listed substances, many vitamins, microelements, enzymes and hormones, present in the body in sufficient quantities, form the same antioxidant protection.

How to protect yourself from free radicals

It is obvious that antioxidant protection weakens over the years, so it is worth thinking about strengthening it. At the same time, it is naive to believe that you can eat fast food and inhale city smog, and then take a tablet with an antioxidant and thereby neutralize all the negative consequences. An integrated approach and a sober look at your lifestyle are important.

In addition to giving up bad habits, it makes sense to pay attention to foods rich in antioxidants.

Dark berries, especially grapes, the peel and seeds of which contain one of the champions in antioxidant activity - resveratrol. It is believed that the richer the color of a berry, fruit or vegetable, the richer it is in polyphenols - antioxidant substances.

Following the rule “5 different vegetables and fruits a day” is a serious contribution to your own antioxidant protection.

Green tea, according to many experts, is an even more powerful source of antioxidants than grapes and the red wine obtained from them.

Fatty sea fish and varied (that's right) vegetable oils.

Cosmetical tools, enriched with antioxidants, are also needed. Of course, they won’t turn back time, but they are quite capable of improving skin turgor and making it smoother. In addition, such products are indispensable for damage, inflammation and some skin diseases. For example, most after-sun products work thanks to the antioxidants they contain.

Don't be afraid of free radicals. It is better to limit their presence in your life, switch to an antioxidant diet and take care of your health.

Review of Antioxidant Products

Antioxidant gel for the skin around the eyes AOX+ Eye Gel, SkinCeuticals

The serum-in-gel formula fights wrinkles and signs of photoaging on thin eyelid skin. Contains a stellar trio of antioxidants: L-ascorbic and ferulic acids, phloretin.

Concentrated antioxidant gel Resveratrol B.E, SkinCeuticals

Resveratrol is an antioxidant obtained from grape skins and is called the molecule of youth. It works best at night, eliminating the effects of stress accumulated during the day. As always with SkinCeuticals, the primary antioxidant does not work alone. Here it is supported by baicalin and alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E).

Broad spectrum serum Phloretin CF, SkinCeuticals

The product contains a powerful dose of antioxidants, including L-ascorbic and ferulic acids with brightening properties, and is great for those fighting age spots. After a month of regular use, you will notice that the pigmentation has become lighter, and the skin is more elastic and toned. A prerequisite is to apply a cream with SPF 30 or 50 on top of the serum.

Strengthening care against signs of aging at different stages of Slow Age, Vichy

Fight free radicals

An effective remedy for skin with signs of aging. A high concentration of vitamin C neutralizes the damage caused to skin cells by free radicals. In addition to this antioxidant, the formula contains:
