Fitness and bodybuilding proper nutrition for athletes

After studying the composition of basic food products, we will make a number of warnings. Firstly, the fattest product is butter - should be consumed less, and as the body matures, gradually eliminated from the diet. It is better to use vegetable oils, but also limit their quantity, because they can also make you fat. Vegetable oils (in small quantities) can be used to season vegetable salads, adding pepper, dill and parsley. There are a lot of vitamins in lettuce leaves. Onions and garlic help burn fat and also destroy harmful microbes.

Salads You can make not only vegetable, but also fruit, which are very tasty. Here's an example of a great salad: yogurt, apples, banana, dried apricots and raisins. Value of such dishes is that, free of fat, they have quite a high calorie content.

Meat products must contain minimum quantity fat and cholesterol (one of the types of lipids). The main thing is to exclude sausages, ham, boiled pork and ham from the diet, since they contain harmful additives - nitrites and nitrates, and their fat is extremely bad and contributes to obesity. Thus, you can eat lean meat, including fish and poultry.

From dairy products You should take low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, and yogurt. But as your training and muscle mass increase, the frequency of taking these products should be reduced. Of course, the diet of experienced bodybuilders is very demanding in terms of the quantity of its constituent products. Young athletes do not need to adhere to such a strict diet, but should consider it as a kind of model to strive for if they are serious about bodybuilding. Therefore, let’s talk about how those who have considerable experience in athletic training and know how to do it build their diet.

  1. Sports nutrition for bodybuilding
  2. Proper nutrition during bodybuilding
  3. Count calories

The basis of a proper diet - lean fish, egg whites, chicken breasts. These products contain high-quality, muscle-building, lean protein. At the same time, poultry and fish are boiled. Cereals, rice, legumes, and potatoes provide a variety of carbohydrates. Vegetables and fruits are also part of the diet. This set of products, with proper training organization, contributes to the formation of dry, lean muscles.

Low-fat dairy products and white bread are infrequent guests on a bodybuilder’s table. And sweets, alcohol, fatty dairy products, animal fats, and often beef and pork generally taboo.

Very useful to combine cereal products, such as rice, with legumes. The result is a remarkably rich set of amino acids (remember that they are the building blocks of protein), close to the amino acid composition of lean meat.

Proper nutrition during bodybuilding

But the composition of the diet is not everything in the nutrition of a good bodybuilder. How to break down your entire daily diet by time? Common practice of eating three times a day is not good for athletes. This way you won’t gain muscle or lose excess fat. The so-called frequent fractional meals have been used in bodybuilding for a long time.

As already noted, to build new muscle tissue, an athlete must take 2-2.5 g of protein per day per kilogram of his weight. So, with a body weight of 60 kg, his daily dose of protein is approximately: 120-150 g. Protein Not only builds muscles, but also supplies energy body, like carbohydrates and fats. The share of each of them in energy “supplies” is quite definite: 30% of energy needs are covered by protein, 60% by carbohydrates, 10% by fats. Then if, for example, 150 g of protein provides 30%, then you need to take 150 x 2 = 300 g of carbohydrates and 150 / 3 = 50 g of fat per day, which will be 2500 calories. The athlete divides the resulting amount of calories into 5-6 servings, rather than 3. This provides many benefits. Firstly, more complete absorption of food (portions are small), and secondly, hunger is felt less in the intervals between meals. Each serving should include proteins and carbohydrates - after all, muscles must constantly grow, as well as calorie reserves.

Each person has their own characteristics of food absorption, and they must determine adjustments to the scheme athlete nutrition. And what else should be said: there are now many foods being produced for bodybuilders and weight lifters. Moreover, if previously such products could only be purchased in specialized sports stores, which were not so plentiful, now sports nutrition for bodybuilding and fitness is present in almost any small grocery supermarket. Variety of products - endlessly there are many, and every day their numbers are replenished with more and more... It is hardly appropriate to list them here. But still we can’t help but mention two wonderful drugs:

  1. The first of them is Nutri Bev, which is produced by the American company ADM. It is intended for children and adolescents and can be taken from the age of two. This drug contains everything that a growing body needs, in addition, it promotes nutritional balance. And what a taste it has!
  2. The second drug is BCAA branched chain amino acid tablets. They help conserve muscle glycogen. According to typical nutritional plans, it is very useful to take them shortly before training and immediately after it (two tablets each time). Then you are guaranteed not to burn your muscles during exercise if you suddenly don’t have enough energy.

Count calories

The goal for beginners is muscle growth. The foundation of this process is protein (otherwise known as protein). However, the most key is the total number of calories you consume daily. You need to eat a lot, or rather a lot. Without a doubt, this may increase fat layer. But the main task is to grow muscles. Later, when they acquire the proper shape and volume, it will be possible to apply one of the many methods for cutting off excess fat, so to speak, making the muscles dry - drying them out. In this case, you need to eat more calories than you burn. In order to determine the number of calories per day required to build muscle mass, you can use a simple formula: 33.З*Р (lower limit) and 40*Р (upper limit). Here P is your weight in kilograms; The first formula will give the minimum amount of calories needed for muscle growth, the second will give the maximum. For example, with a weight of 60 kg and intensive training, you should “eat” from 2000 to 2400 kcal per day. If, despite a sufficient amount of calories eaten, the weight does not grow, add 200-400 kcal to the diet.

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