Formation of a healthy lifestyle

Let's think about it: who is a bodybuilder? – “A pumped-up athlete involved in bodybuilding or fitness” - you will say, and, of course, you will be right... Without a doubt, this is true, but first of all, a bodybuilder is a person aimed exclusively at healthy lifestyle healthy lifestyle. The purpose of our site is the mass promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the popularization of sports and physical culture, the active formation of a healthy lifestyle for our compatriots and the entire Slavic people. If you care about your health, if your goal is beauty, strength and longevity, study our section “Healthy lifestyle healthy lifestyle” and get all the necessary information on this topic in our new thread...

  1. High blood pressure in bodybuilders.
  2. Do you want to have a strong knockout blow? – Do an explosive bench press!
  3. Athletes' teeth – is it possible to keep them healthy?
  4. Creatine will help cure osteoarthritis of the knee joint.
  5. How can a bodybuilder develop a devastating boxing punch?
  6. Strength training during illness with acute respiratory infections, sore throat or flu.
  7. Fitness, bodybuilding and smoking
  8. Fitness, bodybuilding and alcohol - is such a symbiosis real?
  9. Anatomy of the Human Body and the Kinetic Chain in Fitness and Athleticism.
  10. Life expectancy of bodybuilders

High blood pressure in bodybuilders.

One of my old friends, Sanya, has been seriously “ill” with bodybuilding since school. He became interested in this business once he saw the famous six-time Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger on the screen. Since then, he had a dream: to become as strong, voluminous, ripped and muscular as the iron Arnie. However, desire alone is not enough. You also need to have some knowledge. At least minimal. And if they are not there, you need to look for them, draw them from literature, books, thematic Internet sites, such as ours, for example. Otherwise, you can pay so much and dearly... We will talk about one of these sad cases... But, let's take things in order...

So, the yellow-haired newcomer became interested in bodybuilding and decided to become a great bodybuilder, just like the famous Arnie. And not knowing the ford, he plunged headlong into the pool. He began to lift day and night, exhausting himself with heavy physical exercise. Which, as you know, is no longer correct: training should be as fast as possible, but intense.

Do you want to have a strong knockout blow? – Do an explosive bench press!

In this article we will tell you how you can effectively and quickly develop a good, strong, knockout, boxing punch. We have already told you about some effective aspects of training boxers. We tried out a medicine ball and found out how a good old jump rope helps us. It's time to learn another good recipe from our encyclopedia. Today we will look at an exercise such as the explosive bench press - an amazing tool for delivering a powerful punch, useful not only for boxers, but also for karatekas, hand-to-hand fighters, and representatives of martial arts and sparring disciplines...

But first, I will tell you an interesting incident from the life of my friend...

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Athletes' teeth – is it possible to keep them healthy?

I think all bodybuilding fans are familiar with this name: Shawn Ray is an American bodybuilding star, an idol of millions of aspiring athletes around the world. His muscles are simply perfect, he is perfectly built. The proportions of his body arouse the admiration of even the most demanding judges. He is a true Champion. But the question is why? What sets him apart from hundreds of other TOP bodybuilders? Why is he so attractive to all of us? – the answer is simple: it’s all about his stunning and bewitching smile. When Sean is on stage, she shines, charging absolutely everyone with a great mood and positivity!

What conclusion can be drawn from all this? – a smile is an important moment in the arsenal of a professional bodybuilder! Of course, it is not paramount; first of all, judges look at your body and the quality of your muscles. However, all other factors being equal, it can play a decisive role. What do you need for a beautiful and effective smile? – healthy and attractive teeth! This is what our conversation will be about...

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Creatine will help cure osteoarthritis of the knee joint.

Over the years, there has been growing evidence of the effective use of creatine for a range of medical problems, the most common of which are genetic and inflammatory diseases of the muscular system, as well as problems with ligaments and tendons. I came across something really interesting this month, but first I'll give some background information...

How can a bodybuilder develop a devastating boxing punch?

Do you know, our dear readers, that, for example, in a classic one-on-one street fight, some idiot can be much stronger than you? You, a pumped-up bodybuilder, covered from head to toe with sculpted muscles? - sounds unreal! But in fact, this is quite a real situation. And now I will explain to you why...

Well, of course, the word “trash” here doesn’t mean just a studied nerd with glasses and a bunch of books under his arm. We are talking about a boxer - they are all as thin as slivers...

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Strength training during illness with acute respiratory infections, sore throat or flu.

We have one guy in our club - a newcomer, but an ardent fan of “iron sports”. It’s always interesting to watch young people, how they, with sparkling eyes and full of enthusiasm, come to the gym for the first time and, with triple zeal, begin to lift everything that catches their eye. Good zeal and proper internal motivation are, of course, very good, but the only question is: how long will it last? This enthusiasm...

The guy about whom this story is about had more than enough enthusiasm! He always swayed stubbornly, energetically, and left the gym only when he was already thrown out of there... On the one hand, this is of course good, but this is what happened one day:

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Fitness, bodybuilding and smoking

We all know very well that neither smoking nor alcohol have any beneficial effect on our body. And especially in combination with sports. Let's take a closer look at what exactly the effect of nicotine use is? How does our body actually react? What consequences can avid fans of this bad habit expect?

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Fitness, bodybuilding and alcohol - is such a symbiosis real?

We all, and, unfortunately, not by hearsay, have long known what alcohol is. Once again, we will not dwell on the question: “the harm of alcohol in general” is a very well-known and deeply studied topic. Today we’ll talk specifically about the effect of alcohol on an athlete’s body and, in general, about the combination of drinking alcohol with fitness and bodybuilding. Are bodybuilding and alcohol compatible? Is it harmful? And, if harmful, then how critical?

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Anatomy of the Human Body and the Kinetic Chain in Fitness and Athleticism.

Did you know, our dear readers, that the cause of chronic knee pain may be in tight thigh muscles? Or that chronic neck problems and migraines may be due to weakness in your pectoral muscles? You are probably asking: “How can this be? “Tightened muscles in one part of the body cause pain somewhere in a completely different part of the body?” The answer is insanely simple. In our body and the anatomy of the human body, everything is interconnected...

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Life expectancy of bodybuilders

There is an opinion that nerve cells are not restored, but stress shorten life. Hence, some ordinary people have a stereotype that among athletes, and even more so among weightlifters and bodybuilders, there are no long-livers, since heavy training shortens the measured life span. In reality, everything turns out a little differently. Some people with excellent genetics, it’s just written in the family to live long, it’s, so to speak, built into heredity. But whether this order will be fulfilled or not depends directly on your attitude to your precious health.

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