Do you want to have a strong knockout blow? – Do an explosive bench press!

In this article we will tell you how you can effectively and quickly develop a good, strong, knockout, boxing punch. We have already told you about some effective aspects of training boxers. We tried out a medicine ball and found out how a good old jump rope helps us. It's time to learn another good recipe from our encyclopedia. Today we will look at an exercise such as the explosive bench press - an amazing tool for delivering a powerful punch, useful not only for boxers, but also for karatekas, hand-to-hand fighters, and representatives of martial arts and sparring disciplines...

But first, I will tell you an interesting incident from the life of my friend...

This is an interesting story that happened to one of my bodybuilder friends:

One day he was walking home from an evening training session... And then some three “scumbags” ran into him... They came up: ala, fellow countryman, let me have a smoke... Well, here it goes... As my friend himself says, apparently he has money They wanted to squeeze him out quietly in a dark alley...

At first, my friend, clearly confused by such surprise and the numerical superiority of the enemy, was disoriented and obviously lost the fight. One of the attackers leaned on him from behind and blocked his arm. Trying to twist the second arm in order to completely deprive the victim of at least some fighting ability, the second aggressor methodically punched him in the head. Well, the third attacker, unfortunately for our muscleman, turned out to be a master of some kind of oriental martial arts: either kickboxing, or kung fu wing chun, in a word, the guy was clearly from the sports section of hand-to-hand combat and martial arts. My friend made this conclusion based on his well-placed kicks to vital and vulnerable areas of the body... Having caught several low kicks on the knees, our bodybuilder lost his balance and stability. And the experienced offender continued to strike him in the stomach, groin and body. It would seem that the course of the fight is predetermined...

The victim, overcoming the pain of the blows and the weight of his own body and the bodies of the scum that had fallen on him, stood up... Well, it’s not for nothing that he constantly did those good old squats with a barbell! And having freed just one hand, he gave it a short but crushing blow to one of the offenders in the nose area. By some miracle, the blow hit the target, and the aggressor, clutching his face with both hands, squinted to the side and took a couple of steps back, fell backward with heart-rending screams of pain. Seeing this, the gopniks were dumbfounded and speechless. Meanwhile, the bodybuilder had completely freed himself and stood in a boxer's fighting stance, ready to break into the next person... The raiders realized that the effect of surprise they so needed was irretrievably lost, and now they could get the full amount for what they had done. Without even grabbing their injured person, they took to their heels...

Here's an instructive story... And, as the hero of this story himself says, it's all about the explosive bench presses, which he regularly supplements with classic drop sets in his workouts in the gym. It is this technique that develops a sharp, lightning-fast and crushing blow.

Well, of course, we know what a “bench press” is – the topic is familiar. Drop sets are also a well-known and long-worn technique. But what does this word "explosive" mean? In fact, everything here is extremely simple. In fact, this is the same chest press that we have known for a long time, but with the following important rules:

  1. Warm-up and stretching before this exercise should be much better and longer than with the classic version of the exercise.
  2. The weight of the bar should be significantly (several times) lower than the working weight for a regular bench press when working on weight.
  3. The speed of the positive phase of the movement is as fast as possible. That is: we lower the barbell slowly, but press it with a sharp explosive movement - hence the name “explosive bench press.”

The fact is that almost all exercise movements in fitness and bodybuilding are slow and smooth. This is due to the necessary work with large and even extreme weights and the real possibility of injury if this rule is not followed... By practicing for years in this style, we accustom the muscles to smoothness, to slow, albeit hard work. And when life forces us to work sharply, quickly and with lightning speed, we find ourselves simply physically unable to do this. Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening and to always be in fighting shape, we recommend that you:

  1. At least occasionally perform explosive bench presses.
  2. periodically work on the punching bag.
  3. Don't forget about medicine ball.
  4. Well, and absolutely ideally, at least rarely spar with a real live opponent.

By fulfilling all these conditions, no punks from the back alley, even the three of them, will be able to defeat you. What we sincerely wish for you...

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