How to do Thai massage: basic techniques and a set of exercises

Thai massage is an excellent preventive remedy for many diseases. It is performed most likely to prevent the onset of a disease rather than to treat it. The main target is the back, since by keeping it healthy, you can prevent the occurrence of many chronic diseases.

According to many experts, a person suffering from back pain rarely experiences problems with the spine. Often, back pain indicates weak muscles that do not support the spinal column well, and a delay in the passage of energy through the channels. For example, if the muscles are weak on one side, this can lead to curvature of the spine, and subsequently negatively affect the functioning of internal organs.

An experienced Thai massage specialist can cure any chronic pain. It is best to familiarize yourself with the technique in practical classes. But, in our article you can get acquainted in advance with useful information and some basic techniques that will help relieve you of pain right now.

The Thai massage system is based on soft tissue massage and manipulation.

The main technique for soft tissue massage is pressure. But that’s not all; for the massage to be fully effective, the massage therapist must be able to calculate the pressure force. When changing the force of influence, it is imperative to monitor the patient’s reaction; he should not feel pain or discomfort.

Thai massage

The power of ancient medicine

Basic techniques of Thai massage

Let's look at the basic techniques in Thai massage.

Thumb pressure.This technique is performed using the pad of the thumb. In some cases, the technique is combined with a stretching technique. This combination of techniques makes the skin more pliable for further techniques.

"Steps" with fingers. This technique is performed as follows: the thumbs are located almost close to each other, pressing alternately, the fingers gradually move in the direction of the energy flow. The “step” of one finger is 2-3 cm.

Palm pressure. Using palm pressure, you can influence a larger surface of the body. Pressure can be performed from a few seconds to several minutes. There are three types of pressure:

  1. with one palm, where the emphasis is performed with the base. It is used for strong pressure;
  2. two palms located on top of each other, where the force of influence is regulated by the hand from above;
  3. “butterfly” pressure, where the bases of the palms are located next to each other. This technique allows you to increase the impact area several times.

Elbow pressure. Using this type of pressure, deeper techniques are performed. Typically, this technique is used to massage thick muscles.

Knee pressure. Pressing with the knee allows the massage therapist to perform additional stretching. This increases the effect of taking it several times. Use this technique in the buttocks and back of the legs.

Foot pressure. The technique of pressing the feet allows you to influence a large area of ​​the body. If thick muscles are being massaged, the massage is performed with the heel or the front of the foot.

Pressure while standing. The impact of this technique is very strong. Therefore, the massage therapist must perform it very carefully. This technique is used to massage the buttocks, arms, legs, and back.


Manipulation is the movement of one part of the body to achieve maximum effect by twisting or stretching. When performing manipulations, the massage therapist must be able to vary the strength of the impact and apply certain efforts.

The maximum effect of Thai massage is that the movements should be performed with a greater range of motion than what the patient can perform without assistance. With regular and systematic massage, there is a restoration of flexibility and ease of body movement. Manipulations are carried out when complete mutual understanding is achieved between the massage therapist and the patient.

Limb stretching

limb stretching

Limb stretching is performed as follows:

  1. climb - one of the main techniques of Thai massage. Easy to perform, you need to perform it very smoothly, without jolts;
  2. shaking — the essence of this method is intense up and down movements when performing a massage of the limbs. The greatest effectiveness of the technique is manifested when the massage therapist pulls the patient’s torso towards him;
  3. rotation - this technique allows you to evenly stretch the tissue around the joint. This technique is useful for arthrosis;
  4. pulling and pushing - When performing a stretching technique, the rest of the body should be motionless. The greatest effect is achieved when the massage therapist uses his body weight.

A set of techniques for various pains

Let's consider a set of techniques used to eliminate pain in various parts of the body.

Upper back pain

If the patient complains of pain in the upper back, between the shoulder blades, the following complex is performed:

  1. the patient lies on his stomach, face down. Pressure is applied over the entire surface of the back for 5 minutes. Particular attention is paid to the area above the lower back;
  2. then the patient lies on his back, the massage therapist begins to rise with straightened legs;
  3. then the patient lies on his side. The shoulder is rotated; you need to rotate the shoulder with support on the elbow. Then you need to raise your arm and stretch it;
  4. the patient sits down, the massage therapist performs the “Butterfly” shoulder stretch;
  5. the patient lies face down again, the massage therapist repeats all the above techniques.

for pain in the upper back

Location of points for massaging for pain in the upper back

Lower back pain

If the patient complains of pain in the lower back, the following set of techniques is performed:

  1. The patient lies on his stomach face down. Within 5 minutes, the massage therapist performs a series of pressures in the lumbar region. The points indicated in the figure are massaged with special attention;
  2. the patient lies on his back. Rotation of the hips, shaking and swaying of the legs are performed. Then the massage therapist performs stretching of the leg with abduction forward, rocking the body back and forth, pressing on the outer side of the leg from the half-lotus position;
  3. then pressure is applied over the entire surface of the back: on the knees, the “Cobra” technique, bending the leg back. Each reception takes 5 minutes;
  4. then repeat all the above techniques.

lower back pain

Location of points for massaging for pain in the lower back

Pain in the neck and shoulder area

As a rule, pain in this area indicates muscle strain.

  1. the patient takes a sitting position, the massage therapist begins to carefully massage the upper back. Then, for 5 minutes, pressure is applied to the indicated points in the figure. Stimulation is then performed on both sides of the neck. Then a “butterfly” is performed up to the shoulders, a “butterfly” with an inclination;
  2. the patient lies on his stomach, pressing on the shoulders, stretching the neck, turning the head, rocking the legs;
  3. Then, in a sitting position, repeat the entire complex.

for pain in the shoulder area


If a patient complains of a headache, this indicates a blockage of the energy channels located at the base of the skull, in the temples and forehead.

  1. the patient assumes a supine position. The massage therapist performs neck stretches and head turns;
  2. then for 5 minutes he applies pressure to the points indicated in the figure.

for headaches

Location of massage points for headaches

Description of the techniques used

Many people have no idea how to do Thai massage. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the basic techniques used in Thai massage.

Lifting with a twisted leg

The patient lies down so that the right leg lies at a right angle to the body. The massage therapist places his right leg under the patient’s knee and his left leg under the patient’s back. The massage therapist slowly lifts the patient by the left arm, then holds him in this position for several seconds, after which he returns to the starting position.

Lifting with a twisted back

Lifting with a twisted back

Butterfly Shoulder Stretch

The patient should clasp his hands behind his back. The massage therapist presses the patient's elbows towards him, slightly stretching them up and down. Having secured the technique, it is held for several seconds. The patient should not feel any pain.

Butterfly Shoulder Stretch

Butterfly Shoulder Stretch

Shoulder and Knee Stretch

The massage therapist places his left hand on the patient’s right shoulder, and places his right hand on the patient’s bent knee. In this position, the massage therapist makes stretching movements.

shoulder and knee stretch

Shoulder and Knee Stretch

"Cobra" on his knees

The patient lies on his stomach. The masseur kneels on his thighs, then they grab each other's wrists and the masseur begins to lift the patient, leaning back with all his weight. Hold this position for 10 seconds.

"Cobra" on his knees

"Cobra" on his knees

Lifting with straight legs

The patient places his legs along the massage therapist's body. The massage therapist grabs the patient’s wrists and begins to pull the patient towards him, helping with his whole body. Having reached maximum tension, you need to stay in this position for 10 seconds, then return to the starting position. All techniques are performed smoothly.

Lifting with straight legs

Lifting with straight legs

While performing techniques, the massage therapist must not forget about the condition of his body; the weight must be distributed evenly, otherwise you can damage your own muscles. The patient and massage therapist should feel a harmonious sense of comfort.