How to polish your body to perfection?

One of my good friends, who has been involved in bodybuilding for a long time and has achieved some results on this path, still could not get rid of subcutaneous fat. It seems that his muscles are impressive and his training results are not at all childish: for example, he easily bench pressed a weight one and a half times greater than his own body weight, and in squats - even more, and the hated subcutaneous fat remained as it was ...

My friend came to me for advice, and in this article we will tell you what to do about this problem...

So: there is strength, there is muscle, the task is to kill subcutaneous fat. What is needed for this?

Well, the first thing I advised him was to buy a gainer, since the body cannot cope on its own, it is necessary to help him in this endeavor with modern pharmacological means, especially since they are now completely harmless, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Secondly, shift the emphasis of training from strength training towards the aerobic component. More running, cycling, regular swimming, and, of course, cardio equipment. Half an hour on the orbit track as a cardio warm-up and then half an hour on the bicycle ergometer after strength training in the cool-down phase is just right for these purposes. Well, or you can use any other cardio machine you prefer. And it’s even better to constantly combine them to change the emphasis and intensity of the impact.

Thirdly, of course, increase the impact on the abdominal muscles and torso. Every day, do an additional set of approaches to situps or twisting and leg lifts while lying down or hanging, and not 8-12 repetitions, but high-intensity: 20 cyclic movements per set with a minimum rest pause between them.

Fourthly, nutrition. Strict constant tracking of calories and not an ounce of fat is the key to a successful fight against subcutaneous fat. Special products that have proven themselves in this matter also rule, such as pineapple or natural pineapple juice, green tea and others...

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