How to pump up your side press?

For an athlete, having a flat, toned stomach is not a luxury at all, but rather a vital necessity for properly building a harmonious figure.

How to pump up your side press?

Many people have pumped their upper and lower abdomen more than once; this is not difficult to do if you have even a little idea. However, when it comes to the question: how to pump up the lateral press, many athletes have absolutely no idea, or have little understanding of what and how to do. Therefore, in this article we will consider many aspects related to this process...

Our program includes three stages, depending on the athlete’s level of training.

The first level is perfect for beginners, because it will help you understand how the side press works and will give you better shape.

Side bends with weights.

Use bends in your exercises; to perform them correctly, you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart and stand straight, then take your hands in a lock and place them behind your head. From this starting position, begin bending in both directions, while trying to reach the maximum lowest point. All movements must be performed smoothly, observing proper breathing. It is most reasonable to do up to six sets of 20-25 repetitions. After a couple of weeks, you will be able to use additional weight on this exercise.

But remember, in this case, you can build up additional muscle mass and, accordingly, excess waist size, so it is not at all preferable for girls to do this.

To perform another exercise, you will need a bench and a partner who will help fix your legs on it. Lie on it sideways, so that only half of your body is on the bench, the other should be outside it, and your hands will need to be placed behind your head for clarity of execution. The number of body lifts should be at least 30 times on each side.

Lateral raises of bent or straight legs

Crunching with a horizontal bar is an excellent exercise that strengthens the oblique abdominal muscles. To begin, grab the horizontal bar (palms facing away from you) with a wide grip and then, bending your legs at the knees, you should begin to lift them to your chest as high as possible, then to the left, then to the right, avoiding straight, symmetrically even lifts in front of you.

Having achieved certain results with the help of the proposed exercises, proceed to the second complex.

To begin performing alternating body raises, you should lie on a flat surface, keeping your hands behind your head, your legs bent at the knees, then lift your body, touching your right elbow to your left knee, while turning as much as possible. The same should be done with the other side.

To supplement the answer to the question: how can you still pump up your lateral press, the following exercise will help – raising your knees, which is performed as follows: You need to lie on your side on a flat surface, leaning on your elbow, then you will have to straighten your knees and place that arm behind your back, that was at the top. Having done this, try to lift both legs towards the pectoral muscles without touching the surface while performing. You will also need to do this on the other side.

The next option for pumping up the lateral press on the horizontal bar is a little more complicated than in the original complex, because from a position hanging on the horizontal bar you need to do lateral lifts without bending your knees.

Bends and rotations of the body with a barbell on the shoulders.

The transition to the third level means that you already know a lot about how to pump up your side press, but you want to make it even better. Bends with weight will help with this, so select a barbell with the desired weight, place it behind your head, lowering the bar to your rear deltoids, and bend to the sides, trying to lower yourself as much as possible. This will help stretch and contract the muscle, therefore guaranteeing results. You should lower smoothly and while inhaling, and rise to the starting position a little faster and while exhaling. This exercise is quite heavy, so do 15 reps for 4 sets.

The barbell should also be used in such an exercise as tilts with rotation, which can be considered an excellent addition to the previous one. There is only one difference in it: bends must be done forward and to the sides, twisting the body as much as possible. That is, you should point your left elbow towards your right knee and vice versa.

Using all three complexes in your classes, you will definitely be able to look very good without a T-shirt in the summer, which we sincerely wish you to achieve by the next beach season.