How to pump up a girl’s skinny legs at home?

The desire of young people to achieve world standards of beauty often ends disastrously for themselves. Girls are losing so much weight that their legs are barely able to support their bodies. Naturally, there is no need to talk about the beauty of such excessively thin legs. And in general, thin legs are only beautiful in photographs. But in life, thin, skinny limbs look miserable. And a girl with matchstick legs is unlikely to attract a handsome, athletic guy. What to do? - just read this article and find out how to pump up a girl’s skinny legs at home, and this will free the young lady from worries, stress and the reason to seek help from a paid fitness trainer...

The set of proposed exercises must necessarily take place against the background of a balanced diet. Classes should be systematic and alternate between each other. To prevent physical activity from harming your health and causing general discomfort, exercises should be done every other day or two, allowing the muscles to rest. But more about this at the end of the article...

Answering the question: how to pump up a girl’s skinny legs at home, we will give an approximate set of simple exercises that can more than be done outside a fitness center or gym. By the way, this complex is often used by novice bodybuilders and fitness models.

Before directly performing the main list of exercises, it is recommended to stretch your muscles; this is especially important if your daytime work is mostly sedentary. The warm-up complex is an equally important point in this program for training thin legs. First of all, we warm up all the ligaments and joints, this is the only way to avoid injuries. Walking on your heels, toes, and on the outer and inner edges of your feet is perfect for this. Also, in a sitting position, we twist our feet in different directions. We've warmed up a little - it's time to warm up. You can do this by jumping rope a little and doing simple morning exercises. That's it, we are ready for the main work.

Since our main task is the fight against thinness, we need to gain volume by increasing muscle mass. That is why repetitions in the approaches should not be done a lot, as in the case of losing excess weight and fighting subcutaneous fat, but few, but with an impressive load, so that there is at least some sense. But where can you get it at home? The gym is full of all sorts of barbells and dumbbells... But what about at home? Let us give you a couple of good recipes from personal experience:

  1. Even if you don’t have collapsible dumbbells at home, pick up plastic bottles filled with water. By the way, the water level can also easily regulate the load.
  2. The barbell can be replaced with a shoulder backpack filled to the top with something heavy.
  3. Purchase Velcro weighted cuffs. They are cheap now, but there are so many benefits from them! They come in different weights, so choose one to suit your taste. They will be useful to us in our complex.
  1. Squats with a load.
  2. "Pistol."
  3. Lunges with a load.
  4. All kinds of swings and abductions of the legs.
  5. Nutrition.
  6. Recovery.
  7. Aerobic training.

Squats with a load.

First of all, squats help maintain the muscles of the lower extremities in tone. We all know how to do them, but in the case of working on gaining mass, we need to squat with additional load so that when performing 10 repetitions, the last 2 are barely given to us.


An interesting option is also possible: weight squats without any additional weights at all. They need to be performed as follows: leaning your back against the wall, stretch one leg forward, and begin to squat on the second - “pistol”. The starting position gives the movement its name due to its visual similarity to a weapon. On the first day of classes you should not do more than 10 squats. As you acquire skills and training, their number can be gradually increased. Having gotten used to such loads, to enhance the effectiveness of your workouts, you can take dumbbells in your hands; at home, any of the above-described weights will do: plastic bottles filled with water, heavy books, etc.

Lunges with a load.

Stand straight, feet together. We take dumbbells or bottles of water in our lowered hands. While holding the load, we do lunges with them. Lunge forward with your right leg, transferring weight to it, sway and spring in this position, then return to the original position. Same thing with the left. The number of repetitions is up to 15. The more additional weight, the more effective the exercise is for you.

To pump up, we put weighted cuffs on the ankles and perform all kinds of swings and abductions while overcoming resistance:

  1. Stand upright. We move our right leg to the side, lifting it as high as possible. Do 10 lifts and lowers, change to the left. To increase the tension in the target muscles, try to go slower.
  2. The initial position is the same. Swing forward, alternately with each leg. Minimize the force of inertia and other elements of cheating.
  3. Get on all fours with your palms and knees touching the floor. Do energetic back-and-up heel kicks. First 10 times with one, then the same number with the second. The exercise perfectly pumps the muscles of the buttocks.
  4. Lie on your left side. The palm of the right hand rests on the floor in front of the chest. The right leg rises up to the maximum, then into an i.p. The same for the left. Up to 25 times;
  5. We also lie on our left side, with our head on our left hand. We leave the left leg straight, and the right foot is placed in front of the left knee. In this starting position, raise your left leg as high as possible and lower it back. When lowering, we try not to touch the floor surface. Up to 25 repetitions each;

All of the above exercises are designed for the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. And we pump up our calves using the following exercises – raising on your toes and walking on them. Low load? – pick up weights. Still not enough? – do it on one leg, bending the other at the knee and pressing it to your butt. Considering that the calf muscles are one of the most “stubborn”, it is advisable to do the maximum number of repetitions. That is, for each approach - at least 30 times.

So, we looked at the basic strength exercises for gaining muscle mass in your legs at home. However, it is worth paying your attention to a number of important aspects:

  1. Nutrition,
  2. Recovery,
  3. Aerobic exercise.


The rapid growth of muscles, and, consequently, the volume of your skinny limbs, is simply, in principle, not possible without proper nutrition. However, not every food is healthy. A protein diet is necessary for muscle growth. The necessary proteins are found in eggs, and it is the egg whites that need to be consumed, and the yolks should be thrown away, there is too much bad cholesterol. Do not neglect dairy products, in particular cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, milk. True, all this should be low-fat. For meat, you can consume turkey, squid, chicken breasts, lean fish and beef.

To increase endurance, fruits and vegetables are necessary, in addition, they are an excellent source of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates can also be obtained by consuming cereals such as buckwheat and oatmeal.


Working with heavy weights, by definition, requires that the muscles receive proper rest after the tested load. Therefore, the regularity of training should be as follows - 2 times a week, no more often! Otherwise, your muscles simply won’t have time to recover, and there will be no results. By ignoring quality rest and overdoing it, you are more likely to take a step back than forward - be sure to keep this in mind!

Aerobic training.

You also need to be careful when running. It certainly trains your legs, but it also helps you lose weight. In general, aerobic exercise in all its variations is contraindicated for you, because it loses weight, and you need to gain it. Therefore, forget about running, cycling, active swimming, energetic dancing and working on all types of cardio equipment. Until you reach the desired volume of your thigh, it is better for you to give up all this...

Well, now we can safely say that on the question indicated at the beginning of the article, you know everything! Congratulations to you! Work out and improve your appearance. Well, how? – we will definitely advise!

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