How to speed up your metabolism

If it seems to you that spring is still far away, it’s just your imagination. And if your plans include weight loss, then you need to start now. In addition to our efforts in the form of diets and exercises, metabolism plays a big role in getting rid of excess weight. How to speed it up and speed up the process of losing weight - read in our material!

Metabolism is the process by which the body produces and expends energy for all types of activity, from mental work to skydiving. Metabolic speed depends on many factors: heredity, age, body weight, diet, etc.

If your metabolism is slower than you would like, you need to help it by following certain rules.

Rule No. 1 Eat: a lot, often, certain foods

Don't reduce your caloric intake. Break your daily diet into 5-6 meals. The diet should be based on: chicken breast, fish, cottage cheese, eggs and vegetables. Simple carbohydrates only for breakfast.

Rule No2 Train: more often, more actively, with dedication

Do strength exercises with weights, push-ups, exercise on exercise machines. Cardio training should be interval training.

Rule No. 3 Sleep: more and better

Go to bed before 24:00, sleep for at least 7 hours without gadgets. Be sure to have breakfast in the morning.

Rule No4 Know the secret properties of products

Drink green tea and black coffee - they speed up your metabolism. Drink cold drinks - your body spends energy heating them. Eat spicy foods - spices speed up your metabolism.

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