How to pump up thin arms?

Today I received an interesting question by email from one of our readers: Evgeniy (19 years old) from Kaluga complains that he has very skinny arms and asks us how we can solve this problem effectively and as quickly as possible? Well, I think this is a typical frequently asked question of every new teenager who has barely crossed the threshold of the gym.

How to pump up thin arms?

And, therefore, we simply need to give an answer to it. So, the topic is outlined. After reading this article to the end, you will learn how to pump up thin arms, how realistic this is, and what you need to do for this and to what extent, and we will also touch on some anatomical features of the human body...

The first thing I want to draw your attention to is this: if you have skinny little hands, I’d venture to guess that everything else about you is also skinny, guess what? That is, you are inherently thin. We need this fact to gain an understanding of the processes occurring in your body...

Getting into shape at any age requires a lot of effort, especially if the body is not naturally endowed with the necessary data. Many teenagers do not know how to start their skinny arms, the lack of effect can cause a loss of interest in training.

Initially, it is important to clearly understand for yourself: it is impossible to pump your arms in isolation from other muscles, which, whatever one may say, will also have to be trained! Yes, just think about it and imagine: they will become big for you, but what about the rest? Will he remain skinny as he was? Huge biceps and triceps on a dead body and puny legs? – that doesn’t happen! Your body simply won’t allow you to do this. Why? – yes, because our body always strives for harmony. And consequently, the muscles will develop evenly and harmoniously as a whole, or will not develop at all...

How to pump up thin arms?

To understand how to correct thin limbs, you need to know the mechanism for the release of muscle growth hormones. Hormones responsible for the absorption of nutrients are distributed evenly throughout the body. To pump up skinny arms, you'll actually have to pump up your entire body—you'll need to do a basic workout that includes squats, bench presses, and deadlifts. The load in this case should be 70% of the maximum, the daily norm includes squats of 8-12 repetitions, deadlifts and bench presses - 5-8. All exercises are performed in 4-5 approaches.

Basic exercises provide tension to a large number of muscles, as a result of which a signal is sent to the brain about the need for the body to adapt to increased loads. The hypothalamus secretes a series of hormones, upon reaching which the working muscles increase due to increased blood supply and hypertrophy of muscle fibers.

Basic exercises thus ensure the release of your own growth hormones. And this process leads our body to active muscle growth. This is how a beginner should train! Do the base, and don’t pump up that unfortunate biceps of yours. Because by pumping up your biceps, you basically won’t pump up anything; your body simply won’t allow you to do so.

Hands of real Champions!

Moreover, the biceps is only 40% of the shoulder muscles. The remaining 60% comes from the triceps. Therefore, if you have already achieved some initial result, and are already mature enough to train individual parts of the body, then it is better to focus on the triceps. Don’t be afraid for the two-headed one - it will definitely catch up with the three-headed one, and your hands will definitely become more voluminous...

In general, to develop the volume of the upper shoulder girdle, preference should be given to exercises with heavy and free weights - weighted pull-ups, barbell lifts, dips and others...

Taking sports nutrition will help to pump up the overall muscle mass of the whole body and, therefore, improve thin arms, the choice of which is best discussed with an experienced trainer. Typically, those who want to gain weight need to take creatine, protein and gainer - these sports nutrition drugs will help you achieve the desired success in an extremely short time. In addition to sports nutrition, achieving the effect is facilitated by a proper diet of everyday food, a balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and healthy cereals. It is also very important to correctly and rationally select the time to recuperate between workouts. After all, muscles grow: not when we train, it grows during hours of rest and sleep. So don't forget about it...

In general, what conclusion can be formulated from all of the above? - only an integrated approach can change your appearance for the better. So, change your habits, live in sports, and may the daring heroic strength be with you!