How to pump up your arms with push-ups?

Every man who respects himself and wants to feel firm confidence in the future must take care of the condition of his body. Moreover, beautiful, pumped up muscles not only appeal to girls, but also make you much more courageous. Of course, the best way to build a wide back, voluminous pectoral muscles, impressive biceps and triceps is to regularly go to the gym.

How to pump up your arms with push-ups?

But sometimes it happens that there is simply no time to travel to the gym. In this review, we will tell you how to pump up your arms with push-ups at home. You will also find useful tips and tricks from our seasoned fitness trainer. So, the topic is outlined, buckle up, and let’s take off….

The main advantages of this unique exercise.

On the one hand, push-ups are one of the most accessible and easiest ways to pump up both the pectoral muscles and the muscles of the arms and deltoids. On the other hand, you should understand that this process will take a lot of time, and you will not build up huge “banks” in just a week.

Beautiful fit girl doing push-ups

Considering all the available bodyweight exercises, the triceps and pectoral muscles are most involved during push-ups. So, if you want to pump up your arms at home, this is an ideal option, since the triceps make up about 60-70% of the size of the upper arm. At its core, push-ups are a complete alternative to the bench press. With this exercise alone we can pump up almost all of our target muscles, while changing the execution technique, the width of the palms and the position of the body relative to the floor. This will be discussed further...

Types of push-ups.

The “old-fashioned”, that is, standard, method of push-ups is considered to be positioning the body parallel to the floor, spreading the palms shoulder-width apart and gradually bending and straightening the arms at the elbows with a straight back. In this technique, the emphasis is on the pectoral muscles. This option is considered analogous to the wide grip bench press.

In order to use the triceps to the maximum, we need to place both palms opposite the center of the pectoral muscles. The legs need to be spaced a little wider, this will make it easier to maintain balance when performing cyclic movements. After just 15-20 repetitions, you will feel a significant load on the triceps because such a variation is analogous to a bench press with a narrow grip. If you feel like you can do more than 30 reps without getting tired, you need to make it harder for yourself. You can ask your girlfriend, brother or sister, son or daughter, in short, sparring partner, to lie on your back as additional weight, or, if this is too much for you, just have them put pressure on your back with their hands.

How to pump up your arms with push-ups?

If you don't have a partner, put some water bottles in your backpack and put it on your back. Or simply raise your legs above the level of your body. In all these options, the load on the triceps will become significantly greater. In the variation with raised legs, the deltoid muscles, in particular their anterior bundle, will also be involved in the work, because here we get a kind of analogue of a seated press or a bench press at an angle, depending on the height of the legs, which also adds a lot of variety to our exercises...

The result of your training will directly depend on the correct execution of push-ups. The main tips are: straight back, level pelvis and proper breathing. When bending our arms, we inhale smoothly, and when extending, we exhale sharply. The negative phase should be twice as long as the positive one.

Perform the exercise 3-4 times a week for 3 sets with 25-30 repetitions in each, and you can easily pump up your arms even with the “old grandfather’s” push-ups, which have not become any less effective. At the same time, you will save money not spent on a gym or fitness club...