How to pump up triceps on parallel bars?

Dips - a basic fitness and bodybuilding exercise that involves almost all the muscles of the upper body. The main emphasis of the impact is on hands, breast, shoulders And back.

We remember that in order to maximize the focus of this exercise on the pectoral muscles, it was necessary to constantly tilt the body forward in this exercise. Unlike the chest, to maximize pump up your triceps in dips, necessary throughout the entire movement constantly keep vertical body position.

Correct breathing pattern:

  1. when moving up - exhale sharply,
  2. when moving downwards, inhale gradually.

Don't forget to pause for a couple of seconds at the lower peak of the trajectory.

Again, an important point - during the downward movement, the elbows and shoulders should not diverge to the sides, since with this technique of execution the entire burden of the load will be taken upon themselves chest muscles. For triceps you need to keep your elbows and shoulders moving went back. Or in other words, moved along the body, not across.

Another important point is the projectile itself. Choose narrow beams, since it is on narrow bars that the triceps are perfectly pumped. If the bars are very wide, most likely you simply will not be able to mechanically move your shoulders and elbows correctly during the movement.

Famous athletes use additional load in this exercise:

  1. Hang the discs from the barbell on yourself using belt hooks,
  2. Wear weight vests
  3. They use weighted backpacks with additional cargo,
  4. They use their partner as ballast.

Still not sure how to pump up your triceps on the uneven bars? - see Diagram:

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