Cardio fitness and all its forms and variations

Dear readers of the sports portal “fitness and bodybuilding in Russian,” as you already know from a whole series of our previous articles, for example, from this one or this one, it is imperative to train the cardiovascular system! Cardio fitness will be useful at any age, with any lifestyle. A healthy vascular system increases the overall endurance of the body, resistance to stress, and contributes to the formation of strong immunity. It is for these reasons that it is important to do this regularly and efficiently.

The first thing that comes to mind is running - this is cardio training in its purest form. Quite a serious test for beginners or those who have taken a long break from their sports life. Before you start running seriously, you should consult a doctor: check the body’s basic indicators, inquire about possible unpleasant sensations and decide which of them are in the normal zone and which signals an urgent cessation of exercise. The advantage of running is that you have the opportunity to do it in the fresh air - if you have the opportunity to run in an area with relatively clean air (a park, an area away from busy roads). And running is also a great and quick way to lose weight and get rid of your belly - this site will tell you more about this - a treasure trove of useful recipes about sports, fashion and beauty. But, back to cardio exercises...

You can supplement your runs with jumping rope - a great way to get aerobic exercise, nice variety and lightness of the props. It is important to remember the mandatory warm-up before the main load - as taught at school - all muscle groups and joints, from top to bottom. Take a few minutes to warm up before class, and be sure to do a small complex of stretching the main muscles that worked. Your body will thank you with good health and absence of sports injuries the next day.

For those who like to compete and be inspired by the successes of others, the doors of the group program rooms are open. This will definitely be more interesting than monotonous running - any type of aerobics will have an equally beneficial effect on your blood vessels, while charging you with energy and positivity. In addition, during group classes, your progress will be tirelessly monitored by a specialist: a professional trainer - he will not allow you to perform exercises with errors, causing harm to your health. And it will also not allow you to be lazy and work at half strength - after all, to achieve real sustainable benefits from fitness, you need to work a lot and do it regularly.

When choosing group programs, any type of aerobic training is at your service: step, dance (Latin and disco, hip-hop and rock and roll, jazz, funk and even tango!), various mixes and intensives. For the more advanced: tai-bo and pump aerobics (classes with a special mini-barbell).

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