Carpal expander ring - cheap and cheerful!

Everyone who comes to the gym, no matter for fitness or bodybuilding, trains with weights. Basically these are barbells and dumbbells. In the beginning, when the weights are light, there are no problems. But when over time the athlete moves on to heavy weights, he notices that he cannot lift the barbell. Her neck simply slips out of his hands. This happens because the athlete naturally has weak hands and does not develop them. But in vain.

Yes, at bodybuilding tournaments the judges don’t pay attention to the hands. But this does not mean at all that they do not need to be trained. If your hands are weak, you will not be able to lift heavy weights. And if there are no heavy weights, there is no muscle growth. Yes, and it is very dangerous. Lack of hand strength is a common cause of head or chest injury when performing the bench press.

The best exercise machine for developing hand strength is a wrist expander. Of course, you can perform the vaunted barbell curl, but this is more of an exercise for the forearms than for the hand. And the brush can only be pumped up with the help of an expander.

In principle, hand expanders are made of two types:
  1. rubber in the form of a ring;
  2. more complex designs made of metal and plastic.

The simplest and most accessible is the wrist expander ring. It has a lot of advantages. It's cheap. The compact dimensions of the projectile allow you to carry it with you and train as soon as possible. There is only one drawback of the rubber wrist ring - the inability to change the load. That is, it says, for example, 10 kg, then you can neither reduce the force nor increase it. Although, if you have just started training, this is what you need. When you reach a higher level, then you can purchase a more professional palm trainer.

The method of training the palm is practically no different from training other muscle groups. In order for the projectile in question to have the maximum effect, it must be very rigid. The number of repetitions should be small: 5-15 times. Before starting your workout, be sure to stretch your wrist. In order to allow the muscles to recover, you should rest for 3-5 days.

For example, here are some exercise options:

  1. In one and a half minutes, squeeze the ring to failure 100 times. Rest for 5 minutes and repeat. Total 5 approaches;
  2. you do everything exactly the same, but during the rest period the palm is not empty, but squeezes the projectile.

This is quite enough for your hands to become several times stronger in about two months.

By the way, in addition to my “round buddy”, which I always have in my pocket, I also bought myself a Power Balance bracelet. If you don’t yet know what it is, I strongly recommend that you ask. And although many are skeptical about this thing, I believe: there is no smoke without fire, especially since David Beckham himself constantly wears such a bracelet on his hand. So give it a try, it's worth it!

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