An integrated approach to the fight against orange peel.

Pies, sweets, cakes and all sorts of other goodies are the misfortune of every woman, because they all settle on the butt and thighs with a nasty orange peel. But since we finally decided to give her a fight, we need to approach this process comprehensively. So, if cellulite is already visible in the designated areas, and you have decided to fight it mercilessly, from this article you will learn how to do it correctly. How to organize an integrated approach in the fight against orange peel? – Honored fitness trainer Natalya Kuay will tell us about this.

What is cellulite? - in fact, it is a type of subcutaneous fat. And, as you know, strength training alone cannot get rid of subcutaneous fat. For this purpose, as in war, we will use all available means:

  1. Aerobic exercise. It is important to immediately understand that you need to work not on just some part of your body, but on your entire body. Be sure to include regular aerobic exercise in your daily routine. This could be: running, swimming, cycling, dancing, cardio equipment.
  2. Power loads. Only having used the previous point, let’s move on to this one. Include squats, lunges, and deadlifts in your workout.
  3. Special procedures. Bath, sauna, steam room, regular and anti-cellulite massage - all this will help us get rid of the orange peel as quickly as possible. So be sure to take these methods into account.
  4. Diet. Even all the methods combined will not bring you results if you don’t stop eating! Eliminate all fatty foods from your diet, give up salt and sugar, reduce portion doses, try to eat more natural foods - vegetables and fruits.
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